Anyone notice the inconsistencies in animation?

Love Smite 2. I think the transfer to UE5 was great, but why are they pushing unfinished content? 90% of gods look amazing, their animations are fluid and makes them feel different to their Smite 1 counterpart. Then there is Aladdin, whos 1 makes him teleport his hands from beside himself to the upward animation in 1 frame. His kit is unique, but why is ymir doing a fully animated swing for his 2 and then aladdin glitching his arms up and down when I use his 1.

Even the Zeus T5. Spent 100$ for it, and I thought atleast when the game went F2p they'd fix the transformation animation when going through his forms, but he still randomnly glitches into the next form. Am I really expecting too much at this point, I'd rather all the gods properly animated for a later release date than this.