Former stripper turned Trophy Wife

Just like the title states! I stripped when I went to college for about a year or so. I was 19 years old and I needed some funds to pay my classes and room and board. I met a friend in college that told me I should strip (she stripped as well). So I went and found a job at a high end strip club and began my "career" lol.

About 5 months into my job, I noticed who the regulars were and who the money spenders were. So naturally I gravitated towards them. One of them spent so much money on me everytime we saw each other that I got his socials and phone number.

Me and him would go to the VIP rooms and we'd have fun 😉 We slowly got to know each other and we had sex in the VIP rooms often. After a few months of him coming to me over and over, he asked me on a date... and I agreed. He showed me his lifestyle and I loved it!

6 years later we're married, he bought me a pair of boobs and i am a trophy wife now. All of my stress is taken care of by him and all I'm responsible for it to look good, stay in great shape, be his play thing, his fuck doll and every now and then be shared with whoever he wants. 🥰