Sleeping to music and fell into sleep paralysis
Hi, i’m just wondering if this has happened to anyone else before.
So, I wouldn’t say my sleep paralysis is something that happens often, maybe every or so month, mostly when I start to fall asleep on my back.
I was listening to music to fall asleep and as I was drifting off the music was towards the end but it started to sound like twisted? and like dark and eerie? Anyways after that I was paralysed, yada yada, and I couldn’t hear the music during the paralysis. Seeing that it doesn’t happen that often for me I got kinda scared cause It’s not something i’ve experienced or heard anyone talk about before 😭😭
I know it’s nothing, but I just wanna see if it’s happened to anyone who happened to be using music to fall asleep and fell into sleep paralysis.
Okay bye 👋