Why I am voting Tan Ki Lian

This current Presidential Election is a circus and most of us know it, and as always, no matter who steps up as a candidate, the party will always have its way in the end or manufacture/scheme to ensure it will be so. George Goh, who appears to have been the most independent option (as unsavoury an option as he was to many), his ineligibility to run as decided by our state should hence come as a shock to no one - uncontrollable and outsider elements have no place touching things that have remained and remains opaque for good reason.

For the average voter like myself, I don't think anyone should have any illusion that this PE will make any changes to our lives. Will the party suddenly drop its elitist mentality, crawl out of its good-news-only echo chamber, and suddenly have a heart for the suffering man on the ground? Most likely not.

However, as an average voter, what you CAN do is to make life for the party as hellish as possible: vote for the candidate that will require the most party resources to manage, censor, and put a leash on. Imagine party members and press secretaries squirming as they scratch their head on how to steer the energies of a loose cannon toward their decided objectives. The number of State Visits to be cancelled, staffers stressing out on the potential faux pax the stupid candidate will make during official engagements, and the like.

In short, you and me, as an average voter, CAN pick the candidate who will give the party and their posse the most amount of work and exertion.

Tharman is not my pick for obvious reasons. Why pick an inside guy who will be easy to manage? He's a nice guy no doubt and will probably do a good job.

So leaves the two options if you wish to throw a wrench at the party: Sugardaddy Ng or Perverted Ah Pek Tan Kin Lian. Let's examine why Ah Pek Tan should be your choice if you wanna mess with the Party:

Why not the Sugardaddy?:

  1. Ng was openly endorsed by Empress Ho Ching herself. He's clearly more of an insider than Tan, and will clearly play ball more easily as long as his patrons like the Empress demand it.

  2. Ng appears to seek adulation and worship (but then so do all politicians who are sociopaths), complaining about NIP treatment, and finding a nice sugar baby to wait on him in his old age. A sociopath who seeks adulation is vain and easy to control - just give him the duty of officiating at glamourous things and he'll do what you say.

  3. Having managed Singapore's money before and being a top insider, if Ng had wanted to make change or throw any disruptions to the system, he had all his chances to do so. Why wait until he becomes President to do so? Casting a vote for him hence is the same as voting for Tharman.

Why Perverse Ah Pek Tan?:

  1. The man is clearly delusional and vain, but is a loose cannon. His psycho tweets evidence that none of his lines are cleared or authorized by any press secretaries/party apparatus. So while he WAS an insider before, he is clearly outside the centre of power now and is in the wilderness. If he manages to claw his way back to the centre on his own, without any patronage, this will stress the hell out of his peers in the party and state to have to scheme to get on his good side and to ensure that he shuts his mouth when they want it.

  2. It is clear that he is the least desirable candidate by the party of the 3 available now: just look at the news cycle, and the amount of hit pieces (even on reddit by party internet army) against TKL - it's all trying to show that he is an utter loon who is unelectable. It such a blatant effort it's hilarious.

  3. All in all, it's likely Pervert Tan won't be able to do anything and will just play ball if the party comes down hard on him on the inside. He'll probably even stop tweeting his crazy shit so that he can maintain his high salary and retain his post. However, he will be a constant energy drain on the party, and it will be nice to see how Lawrence deals with him after LHL leaves - wouldn't you want to see our new PM have some trials, be unable to simply read from a prepared script, and actually work hard for his salary? Would be nice to see if our new PM has some steel in him.

My two cents above. PAP IB: come at me bros, I fight you all 1 vs 10 like Ip Man.

Edited: for some grammar