People are so entitled about the show they're in for a great disappointment

Given the overreaction to the last episode it becomes clear that there are too many people entitled about it, they say the episode was garbage because they can't take moments of slow paced atmospheric shots, others can't take that their own theories are being debunked and the plot or characters don't move as they want.

You have every right to dislike any episode, but saying every plot development is trash because you disliked it just makes you entitled, this show isn't about what you think it should be.

I'm afraid this kind of mentality will lead to a great frustration as the show goes on, there's people already saying this is like Lost. If they can't even take a side character like Devon not being as smart as they think she is, imagine if the main plot go to a different direction.

Edit: Even if the episode was a "boring filler", the season was supposed to be 9 episodes like the first, so the extra "filler" content wouldn't really hurt