"School Spirits" - Timeline of Season 1 (1945 - 2023)

September 2, 1945 - World War II ends. The "Baby Boom" begins (1946 to 1964). The Cold War begins.

Mid-to-late-1940s - Rhonda, a "Baby Boomer", is born to an unknown mother and father.

Mid-to-late-1950s - Dawn, a "Baby Boomer", is born to an unknown mother and father.

1956 - Split River High School is founded in the town of Split River, Wisconsin.

14 January 1958 - A school fire in the chemistry lab takes the lives of science teacher Everett Martin and student Janet Hamilton. A bomb shelter is later rebuilt on the site of the fire during the Cold War.

Early 1960s / 1965 (?) - Rhonda dies after being murdered by her guidance counselor, Mr. Manfredo. (Based on "cherry" being slang for "pristine or mint condition" in the 1960s/1970s, i.e. "cherry pop", as well as dating her clothes to female Beatnik fashion and style of the 1950s and 1960s. Her outfit also appears to be partially inspired by the "Surf culture" of the 1960s, i.e. "Help Me Rhonda" by the Beach Boys, 1965.)

1965 or 1966 - Wally Clark, "Gen X", is born to mother Beatrice "Bea" Clark and an unknown father.

17 May 1972 - Dawn dies by electrocution after accidentally spilling a drink on a power outlet.

Late 1970s/Early 1980s - Charley, "Gen X" or "Millennial", is born to unknown parents.

September/October 1983 - Wally Clark dies after a "misplaced tackle" during the Homecoming game.

1996 to 1997 - Charley meets and starts dating Emilio, but dies of anaphylactic shock after eating French fries cooked in peanut oil. (Based on the release date of "Crash into Me" by Dave Matthews Band.)

2005 or 2006 - Maddie Nears is born to mother Sandra Nears and an unknown father.

September 2023 - Maddie Nears becomes a spirit haunting the school.