Missed my mains exam
Yesterday was such a day for me. I don't know what to make of it but in all seriousness, I missed my exam.
I went to one of my friend's place that was near the centre. I was ready to go to my center and suddenly my friend started having a stroke.
I took him to the hospital as he was living alone. After that I rushed to my exam centre. But I was about 4 minutes late. I was so sure of getting a job this time. Was constantly getting 300+ in mocks with occasional 290s but still I knew that my preparation was up to the mark.
I don't have the guts to tell my parents that I missed it so I lied to them that the typing didn't go well. So that they know that I won't be making it this time.
Still in shock that I lost without even fighting.
My friend is fine now btw.