RGB20SX - RockNIX vs ArkOS

Hey all,

I know this question has been asked not that long ago, and it has been asked many times about the RGB30, but I have seen some posts about updates to one or both OS options (can't find them now, of course) and wanted to see if recommendations have changed any.

If I am remembering correctly, I saw something about the newest RockNIX update making it better all around than ArkOS for the RGB20SX. Has anyone tried either of the newest builds of RockNIX or ArkOS?

I just got my RGB20SX today in the mail and cannot wait to dive in. I know I could test both OSes myself, but I worry that I would not find a known issue until I had spent tons of time setting everything up. If no one else has tried though, I am willing to do so and report back for anyone else who is interested.

If you have noticed any specific issues in either OS when running on RGB20SX and you have a second, please let me know so I have an idea of what to be checking, testing, looking for. Thanks in advance for any ideas/help/etc.
