The very rich don’t pick up the tab

Just a weird fact I found out today.

For context I’ve been raising funds for my startup and hence have had coffee the last week with about 5 A/B list celebrities. They’ve included some of the following (providing more names to mask them).

Serena Williams, Nick Clegg, Sarah Jessica Parker, Forrest Whitaker, Priyanka Chopra, Carmelo Anthony, Scott Galloway, Chris Cuomo, Kevin Spacey.

Of the 5 people, only 1 picked up the tab. Granted it was a $10 coffee but… these guys are mostly billionaires and most of them didn’t even offer to pick up the tab. And many of them ordered other things shamelessly.

I’ve a few theories about the uber rich- they don’t want to give out their credit cards, and don’t carry cash.

Or do they actually have crappy bank balances and never spend? Or are they just used to being wined and dined for free?