Chances of developing RP?

If my grandparents have perfectly fine vision, as is the case with my mom's side of the family, but my dad and a lot of his siblings have retinitis pigmentosa, and then currently I am 19 with moderate myopia (~ -3 and -4 for my left and right eyes respectively) since I was young, as well as having two younger sisters with more mild myopia, what are my chances of developing the condition at any point in life?

My vision at the moment, putting the myopia aside of course, has been quite alright up until this point, and the past two years I've had back-of-the-eye retinal scans done during my routine eye exams just to be 200% sure I was safe and, sure enough, the scans came back clean and perfectly normal and fine, however the optometrist did mention that I have "football-shaped" eyes in a somewhat-related later discussion. I have experienced none of the symptoms so far (bad night vision, loss of peripheral view, etc.) But are there any other signs I should look out for? Additionally, do you think the RP in my family lineage is autosmal-dominant, autosmal-recessive, or X-linked, and what are the various risks associated with each?