I made a mistake.
I made a mistake. What are the repercussions
I made a mistake today in the hospital. I was catching up a patient on their medical problems when I got a call regarding another patient needing urgent procedure. While the patient was still anxious, I had to run out and get set up. Instead of excusing myself professionally, I answered with with a comment that was unprofessional and made the patient extremely anxious. I had said yeah your injuries are due to this mechanism and your drug use. I realized after the patient had not been informed of his UDS and it was likely a false positive. I later came back to the patients room and another attending physician was comforting him.
I attempted to apologize to his family and I take full responsibility for my mistake. I will apologize again to him and his family again.
What are the repercussions from a complaint where I am in the wrong? I still can't believe I let this slip.