Another attempt to compare top-tier Hermès reps
Hi! I am looking to jump into the world of >$1000 USD Hermès bags and have spent the last several days doing research here on Reddit and across the Internet. I’ve compiled a list of replica vendors and I’m trying to rank them from best to least best before I make my final decision. I say “least best,” as I don’t think you can say “worst” when we’re talking about>$1000 reps. I don’t expect a 1:1 clone even from the top rep; all reps have tells, even if unnoticeable to all except a professional authenticator. Price is not much of a factor. That being said, if you know a vendor’s general pricing, I’d love to hear it! I’m especially interested in hearing from those of you who have hands-on experience with multiple vendors to compare one against the other.
I’ve put the vendors in very rough best to least best order based on the reviews and comments I’ve seen. Some of the vendors have very few reviews. Some have none that I could find.
Let’s hear what you all have to say!
Alice (alicelovesbags aka the French Factory)
Joe Luxury
elite_.q (Instagram)
Perfect Hermes
Elysées Boutique