3KF 5711 Rep

  1. Dealer name - Non-TD, Pingfan

  2. Factory name - 3KF

  3. Model name - PP 5711 not sure of the version. Not indiciated.

  4. Price- 2650 CNY

  5. Album Links- https://www.wsxcme.com//static/index.html?t=1737265126#/theme_detail/_dwewewsNhdYEocsW0oGAVR2cGFOOSgSCxFzCLxQ/_dkyweDbrtfMcWq3XL9puGwf3az1izV4Q5x4Cdiw

    6.Index alignment- seems the markers are aligned for me. But im not sure about the 9 oclock seems a little tilted. And the 12 oclock markers seems the right parts is crooked counter clockwise.

  6. Date Wheel alignment - some angles seems it's a little on the left edge. Some angles seems balance. What do you think?

  7. Bezel - N/A

  8. Solid End Links (SEL) - Ok

    10 Hand alignment - seems ok

  9. Dial Printing - minute marks lije 24 and 26 seems a little faint or improperly printed.

  10. Timegrapher numbers -Rate is Acceptable and within range. Acceptable Amplitude also same as the Beat Error. Or should i be worried about those?

  11. Anythung should i be peculiar about as what is an easy tell? I would to also mention a big thanks to user u/domlouis for helping out. Going back to the rep, is this a GL or RL?