An OTPs suggestion for quality of life fixes that aren't buffs.

Let's talk about some of the most common complaints people have about this champions and see what can be done about them without completely breaking the gameplay.

Passive - Leverage

What I've seen people say is as follows "Leverage is so hard to use, you have to get super close range to put it on people, it's not reliable."

Of course, on its own, this makes no sense. Renata's aa range is quite big, so why would anybody have an issue using her passive? And that's where the kicker is. Her passive has the condition that it can't be used unless one of her teammates triggers the mark after she applies it on the enemy.

The wrong solution would be to let you be able to trigger your own passive. Not only would this contradict your gameplay identity as a primary support, it would also take away the fun in coordinating with your teammates to get the most use out of it. At that point it may as well be turned into an overtuned on-hit effect.

Instead, you could make it that you can stack up to 3 marks on an enemy at the same time, which would change nothing about the actual numbers but give you more freedom to interact with the opponent without feeling like you're not accomplishing anything.

Q - Handshake

Renata Glasc's core gameplay identity is one of a peeling support with strong disengage. Her Q is a good expression of that because you are able to catch people and prevent them from jumping on you or sticking to you. At least, it's supposed to be, but more often than not, you are just not able to catch or shove people in time before they kill you.

Possible but not well thought out solutions to this would be to increase the missile speed, cast time and range of your Q as well as removing the self-stun or self-slow on the ability. While these would be nice to have, they'd also be straight up buffs, which apparently isn't something Riot wants to do.

Instead, adding a small knockdown to the initial hit of her Q could make the ability a lot more reliable, while also allowing Renata to choose when to recast this ability instead of forcing her to recast it instantly every time.

W - Leverage

This is, without a doubt, her most divisive ability because of how conditional it is. The main thing about this ability is that it knowledge-checks your teammates, which from a game design perspective is tantamount to griefing.

The wrong solution to this would be to simply force your teammates to do what this ability is designed for, mainly through berserking teammates. This is without a doubt an even dumber idea because you're straight up CCing your teammates, not allowing them to reposition or even cast abilities, which sucks if they're a mage.

Instead, simply making the visual and audio cues more obvious to people and less dubious like they are now will instantly remove the knowledge check, as it literally tells your teammates what to do, even if they've never heard or read about this ability. Something like a voice line that says "fight or die", a HUD change that doesn't look obscure and threatening like what we have now or other visual indicators like auto-pinging nearby enemies would be completely enough.

E - Loyalty Program

Common complaints I've heard about this ability is how underwhelming it is at first glance. People say that the range, speed, damage, shield and slow aren't high enough to have an impact. However, the fact that this ability has AoE damage, Shield and Slow to begin with is kinda crazy for a single button.

The real problem is that all the aspects of this ability have different use-cases which makes it impossible to get the full value out of this ability every time you use it unless everybody is positioned in a certain way.

To fix this, you could possibly separate the shapes of the shielding and the damaging part of this ability, so the shield would look something more like Seraphine's shield while the damaging projectile could be allowed to have greater range.


Like Q and E, people have been complaining that this ability is too slow. However the purpose of this ability is to be a follow up or a counter-engage, meaning that it should be used in fights that are already in progress. While this is fine, this ability is still weak when the enemy team consists of casters and useless when you use it on isolated enemies.

Personally, I don't know what the "right" solution is here. So here are some of my ideas

  • being hit by Renata R adds on-hit magic damage scaling with the affected enemy's own AP
  • being hit by Renata R berserks enemies until they have completed a certain number of Auto Attacks, meaning that champions with low attack speed are punished more in order to adjust for their lack of attack damage
  • If no other enemies are present nearby, Renata R makes enemies attack themselves in their confusion.

So uh yeah, here's something something to think about.