Should my freind 29 F continue in this relationship?

Posting on behalf of a freind 29F whose boyfriend is 28M.

To describe the whole relationship would be a lot , hence just jotting down the points of concern .

1- My freind has PCOD and has gained weight and her boyfriend recently has started pointing out the fact that she looks older than her age because she hasn't taken care of herself and also that she is hefty . The taunts have taken a toll on her and she cries over it and on confrontation her Bf says I was just kidding around.

2- He has comitted stealthing once . ( Neither she or I knew it was a crime . She has felt violated at that point and this incident is from a year ago.)

3- Post marriage he wants her to live with his family ,and is very attached to them , his sisters are married but seem toxic as one of them constantly asks him to tell my freind to lose weight and the other one was sneaking into her brother's phone and reading their chats .

4- He has casually told her at times that post marriage she should hand over her money to him so he can securely invest it for them . Also has mentioned once that both their salaries would have to be handed to his father to be saved.

5- Also constantly pesters her to meet him because he has needs . Currently my freind is stuck in a soup with her fam ,as her parents are against this relationship due to the guys family not being at par with their financial status though he earns good . He dosnt seem to understand the severity of things at home for her and constantly asks her to meet at a different city.

6- He had casually Dm'd her one day via Ig and they vibed and for the first date they met at City away from both their residences , he got a room and apparently he straight away wanted to jump into bed. She has been dating him for 2 years now.

The points that make him a little green flag too.

1- he has been overtly concerned about her ,during her health issues , constantly worries about her .

2- asks me to check on her when she is low as she suffers from clinical depression . He hasn't left her side. But he definitely asked her to stop taking meds and workout instead to fix her mental health issues .

3- If he can't be by her side , he makes sure she is okay and acts reassuring at the moment . And he gets anxious if he can't talk to her for a day or so .

4- whenever she was sick and down he has taken care of her , tried to be emotionally available whenever she had a mental breakdown in the past .

My freind is unsure of him anymore and her family is against the relationship due to him being from a slightly lower financial strata . He apparently is no more the guy he used to pretend to be or may be he changed after switching cities and starting to live with his family.

Should she overweigh his pros over the cons or run for her life ? She is not financially stable or earning either and is stuck in a toxic household .