On Player Choice

Player choice is one of those subjects that kinda gets overlooked at Ubisoft. If you need an example, then look no further than Skopos who only has one weapon in either category. Objectively, that decision was made for “balancing”, but part of me feels like she could have gotten other weapons and been fine. The PCX-33 fires at 745RPM and does 36 damage, literally another option could have been given to us even if it’s worse.

There are reasons we can’t have some player choice changes. Balancing is definitely one of them because we absolutely cannot have Kapkan with the AK-12. And we can’t Ash with flashbangs (we learned from last time). But there are a lot of player choice changes that could easily be made that would likely change nothing at the higher ranks, but introduce more fun and variety for players just chilling out.

So… I am going to propose some player choice changes that are going to be terrible, and then make my way to some that might not be (but in those scenarios I seek feedback).

Part 1 - Cosmetic Player Choice

In Siege there are a variety of attachments that each serve a purpose. Every now and again those attachments vary in strictly cosmetic ways. The AR-15.50 for instance has a vertical grip entirely unique to it. It is probably my favorite vertical grip model in all of Siege. The fact we cannot use this same attachment on other weapons is mildly annoying.

Another one is the suppressor for the PMM and GSH18 for the Russians. Those pistols have cylindrical suppressors. It is the amount of movies I watch, I think the cylindrical suppressors look cooler. I would love to use them on more handguns. Not to mention that the suppressor model for Zero’s unique 5.7USG is a brick suppressor and it irks me that the team overlooked that Sam Fisher has always used a cylindrical suppressor (excluding when using Integral Suppressors)

Finally, the Reflex D is the only 1x optic not available on all primary weapons. It currently is only available for Tachanka’s Degtyaryov DP27 Machine Gun. I absolutely loathed using this optic (when I even did), but it should be freely available for any operator. I think the dev team kind of forgot about this optic. In all fairness, I even had to go back and look at what type of optic it is. I honestly thought it was a holo or red dot.

Part 2 - Weaponry

There are a ton of weapons that make sense from a lore perspective more than balancing. One is the C8-SFW and Nokk. The Jaeger Corps in Denmark use Buck’s C8-SFW, but for balancing reasons, it is entirely held out of the hands of Nokk. I think that’s fair. So ideally I am only going to propose changes that should be okay, but could be mildly “iffy”. I will list them in order of operator from attack to defense then explain all below in order by most likely balanced to least likely.

Striker - gains L85A2, gains M590A1, gains M45 MEUSOC

Thatcher - pick an MP5, gains MK1 9MM

Ash - gains M1014

Glaz - gains CSRX300

Fuze - gains SASG-12

IQ - gains M45 MEUSOC

Capitao - gains M12, gains SPAS15

Hibana - gains MP5SD

Zofia- gains FO-12

Maverick - gains M1014

Nomad - gains TCSG12, gains LFP586

Gridlock - gains Commando9

Zero - gains SR-25

Sens - gains MK17 CQB

Brava - gains SPAS-15, gains PRB92

Ram - gains MK14EBR

Deimos - gains AR-15.50

Sentry - gains 416-C Carbine, gains PRB92

Bandit - gains 416-C Carbine

Valkyrie - gains 1911TACOPS

Vigil - gains MK1 9MM

Alibi - gains P9

Kaid - gains SPAS12, gains PRB92

Oryx - gains MP5 or AUGA3

Thunderbird - gain 9MM C1

Azami - gains P229

Solis - gains 5.7USG

Skopos - gains M870, gains P12

By order of most to least balanced. Attack first then defense.

Pistols - these are fine. In the case of most pistols here, the pistol being added to the operator is objectively worse in most (if not all) aspects. The exceptions would be Alibi gaining the P9, but even then she has the bailiff410 and the ability to make rotates for your team is too strong to throw out for a low damage pistol. IQ is the other scenario where she would be getting buffed by this weapon being added. Although, I do not think most players would mind, especially since the M45 has been in her operator card since day 1 almost ten years ago. Not to mention that it is still a pistol, and they really aren’t the greatest weapons.

Shotguns (on attack) - Adding shotguns on defense is a different scenario than on the attack. One of the attack's greatest advantages is how superior their weaponry is at distance. To add on, with the exception of Striker and Nomad, the shotguns given to attack here are objectively bad. I don’t see anyone choosing Ash for the M1014, Zofia for the FO-12, or Fuze for SASG-12 ever in a competitive environment. 

Capitao gains M12 - The M12 is probably the single worst weapon in the entire game. It does average damage, has a poor rate of fire, and average magazine size. Needless to say, this weapon would be brought as a tool to taunt enemy teams. Although, with an ACOG on Capitao it might not be that bad. But it will probably be very bad. Let's be honest here the M12 is awful. In comparison to the PARA-308, the M12 is worse in every single aspect.

Glaz gains CSRX300 - I expect to hear arguments that this would be overpowered, but I am just going to say that Kali has one of the best gadgets on the entire attacking roster and is brought very seldom. 4 pieces of bulletproof utility that can be destroyed from a distance and through walls (reinforced or not) is S tier. The only reason we don’t see her is probably the CSRX300. I actually think quick (and jiggle) peeking is what’s stopping Kali from being great. If you get jiggled and miss, you will die on the next swing. If you get jiggled as Kali, the only thing you can do is reposition, and that's not always an option. 

As for Glaz getting the CSRX300… Why not? He was THE dedicated sniper operator for years. It’s not like he is particularly strong now, about the only thing I see him taken for is to work with Maverick, but even then you have to ask “was it worth it?” The only immediate issue I see with this is how Kali’s rifle cannot currently use “normal” optics, and therefore would need a rework.

Sens gains MK17 CQB - In real life, his CTU does use this weapon. In Siege, this weapon is only on Blackbeard, and I think it's because of how strong Blackbeard is and was. Given how strong BB was on his launch, and how strong he is again after his rework… It’s not his MK17 that makes him so powerful, it’s his gadget that allows him to frag with an objectively bad weapon. Above average damage, a poor fire rate, and below average magazine leaves the FN SCAR as probably the worst attacking Assault Rifle. Again the idea for these changes aren’t to make these operators better, but to give us the players more options. This change… well it certainly would be interesting.

Zero gains the SR-25 - Okay, technically I don’t think Sam has ever used this weapon. Briggs did during Splinter Cell: Blacklist though so I don’t think most fans of the franchise would question Zero getting the SR25. As for balancing, Zero has the MP7 (a top 3 SMG) and the SC3000K (the best assault rifle that probably needs a nerf if you ask me). Objectively the SR25 would be easily the worst weapon of his loadout.

Ram gains Mk14 EBR - Same CTU as Dokkaebi and she has the R4C. I don’t think I have to say more than Ram has the R4C, which has felt like a balancing nightmare of a weapon since I started playing over 8 years ago. The Mk14 isn’t bad, but it is not the R4C. Now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t think I have seen a single player use the LMG-E on Ram ever and that is kind of sad. It’s always R4C with a vertical grip, flash hider, ACOG, and flashbangs.

Gridlock gains Commando9 - Immediately, this is a weapon that’s used by Mozzie in the same CTU and therefore from a lore perspective it makes sense. This weapon has the same rate of fire as Gridlock’s F90, for a slightly smaller magazine, and 2 less damage points. I think both weapons are laser beams so recoil isn’t really a factor here (to me because my ability to control both weapons is subjective). Some people really like this weapon. One of my friends really likes this weapon, and often just plays Sentry (to my chagrin).

Hibana gains MP5SD - Here is where things start becoming dicey from a balancing perspective. Yes, the MP5SD is objectively a weaker weapon than Hibana’s Type-89. But the magazine increase is significant enough worth mentioning. Do I think it would be imbalanced at a high level of play? No. But I could see it being the preferred choice of newcomers who haven’t mastered recoil control or who don’t have the best of aim.

Thatcher gains an MP5 variant - This one is probably imbalanced, but I wouldn’t be against Thatcher with an MP5. Operation Nimrod (Iranian Embassy Siege) 1980 was the first time where the public got a hint at the operations depicted in Rainbow Six. The Special Air Service retook and saved hostages in broad daylight against terrorists who took over the Iranian Embassy in London. The SAS used 3 different types of MP5 including the MP5K and MP5SD, as well as Browning Hi-Power handguns. Does Thatcher need a buff? No, but him having the weapons that he would’ve for an event that he was canonically there for would certainly be cool. At the bare minimum, the Mk1 9mm (Browning Hi-Power) would probably be fine considering how much better the SIG P226mk25 Thatcher already has is. I really don’t think many players would mind this buff because it’s starting to become a running meme that we only get nerfs. Probably have some internal tests and maybe a play test with some professionals.

Deimos gains AR-15.50 - This one is tricky because I feel like it would be fine for most players. But, the AR-15.50 is a very reliable two shot kill and in the right hands could be incredibly busted. Then again it only has 10 shots. I could definitely see Shaiiko using this on Deimos though. As for why? Deimos was a member of the original Rainbow team, so I wanted to reflect that more than what is currently in Siege. Yes, I could’ve said to hand him an MP5 like in the book, but he wasn’t in the book. So I looked through weaponry in the OG Rainbow Six and thought an M16 (probably A4 because there are no burst weapons currently in Siege) would be cool, but there isn’t one. u/trichotome already said they tried an M4 and that it was too broken, and players were hunting players just to switch off the .44 and use their assault rifle. I don’t know, it might be fine but probably imbalanced as cool as it would be.

Bandit & Sentry gain 416-C Carbine - The 416-C has had one of the biggest fall offs of any weapon in this entire game. Not as big as the OTS-03 on Glaz because I remember when that did more than 100 damage and had the thermal scope. Although it is a shadow of its former self, it is definitely an iconic weapon to the game for all the rounds of Jager mains and many would like to see it on another operator. The GSG9 of course because Jager, so Bandit with the superior MP7 gets it. Sentry because he fits this spot where he lacks a CTU and his Commando9 is better. Not to mention the amount of countries that use the HK416, I feel like it makes the most sense on him.

Kaid gains the SPAS12 - Kaid currently only has access to the AUGA3 and TCSG12, and as a shotgun the TCSG plays more like a soft breaching DMR. The SPAS12 would make a fun albeit niche addition to his kit. Could be used to great effect on defense, but I think most players would choose the other two options out of safety rather than tactics.

Oryx - I remember when Oryx had the MP5 and then they did the old “swaperoo” with Melusi. Then again he is also an unofficial member of Kaid’s CTU, so an AUGA3 isn’t out of the question either. Both are cool, and neither are better than the juggernaut of defense the T-5. Either could be cool additions, and more options are always welcome.

Skopos gains M870 - She already has impact grenades so I think a shotgun is totally unnecessary. The only thing is that she only has one option for either weapon. Your only choice with her is attachments, and even then it’s still limiting. I think a shotgun could be used very powerfully on Skopos, but also she’s a very difficult operator to play already and there’s so much that could break balance. She is complicated. Definitely something that would require testing.

Part 3 - On The Illusion of Player Choice

When it comes to attachments in Rainbow Six: Siege there is a rule of thumb. If you don’t know what to run, put on a vertical grip and flash hider. I remember hearing someone say this before the Y9S1 attachment changes. It is still the case. Although to the credit of the developing team, I do consider using other grips more now than in the past. I feel like there is some irony after just spending basically 5 pages on adding objectively bad weapons to operators just “for fun”, to talk about attachment balancing.

The laser sight - I actually use this attachment less now than I did in the past. .05s faster ADS speed is not worth it considering you are using an attachment that basically says “prefire here”. I can’t count the number of times I have prefired someone because of their laser sight since the change. I have no clue why players use this, like the old angled grip it is objectively bad. The only operators I use this on currently are the four shields because it does make a difference on these ops, but it is still super niche.

The angled grip - I was ecstatic to hear this was being reworked in Y9S1. The old angled grip was completely pointless when compared to the vertical grip, and now… Oh boy it’s basically the same. You know I don’t think the reload speed bonus on its own will ever be good in comparison to recoil control. Well I guess that’s not true, but it would take a serious buff before I would ever consider it. Right now the only weapon I use this grip on is the SC3000K and that is just because I like how it looks like an F2000. The gun is a overpowered laser anyways so it doesn’t really hurt me.

Horizontal Grip - There is a much greater reason to use this attachment than the angled grip. The movement speed buff does not affect ADS movement speed, so it doesn’t let you jiggle faster. But rotate speed has a much greater potential than reload speed. A roamer's job is to waste time and resources, and the ability to disappear at the drop of a hat cannot be understated. The only immediate flaw is that you aren’t any quieter, so the bonus really only helps 3 speeds move disappear better. Even then, it’s not worth the increased recoil for the scenarios where you can do serious damage to the attack. The only time I use horizontal grip is on attack and on DMR’s specifically because the Vertical grip doesn’t help them that much, and rotating on attack is often so much more important than defense. The distance of those rotates for attack is also significantly greater.

Telescopic optics - I don’t see these at all. I think that the zoom makes players too tunnel visioned. I know that is why I stay away from these. Not to mention they are limited to DMR’s. Maybe consider adding them to all attack weapons. 

I do not think the flash hider or vertical grip are problematic, but I literally see them on most weapons. Why is the same attachment combination being used for Ash as it is for Doc? Two radically different operators, and all I see from both is always, ACOG with a vertical grip and flash hider. It’s so boring building your weapon in Siege because optimally there is really only one way.

Personally I would remedy this by once again changing the attachments.

Make the angled grip help with horizontal recoil control instead and it’ll actually see some use. I can think of a couple weapons that I would absolutely double up on horizontal recoil control on.

Make the horizontal grip not only affect movement speed, but add the reload speed effect as well. The bonuses of either individually were super niche, but together probably more viable. This way the risk/reward meets well enough in consideration to the other options.

Maybe make another grip attachment that accomplishes what the muzzle break does, and I bet you’d see it on DMR’s. Now players might be more comfortable using suppressors on DMR’s more often.

Make the laser have both effects of hipfire and ADS speed. Even then I probably would only use it on shotguns and shields. In this scenario of course, it would only affect hip fire spread and not spread while ADS like it did before.

Maybe make another underbarrel attachment so I have something to use for that category, unlike the last 8 or so years I’ve played. I mean we couldn’t get an IR laser, a flashlight, a range finder, or anything? I honestly think a magnifier would be cool. Lose all the bonuses of the attachments in that category just to use a 2.5x with a better reticle. Not to mention it’d look cool. Of course it would come with all the debuffs that magnified optics have. I’m just talking out of my ass now, but you get the idea that there are things to fill this gap that has been vacant in most loadouts for a decade.


In summary, player choice in Siege is an area that could benefit from more attention and flexibility. While some restrictions are understandable for the sake of balance there are plenty of opportunities to add variety without breaking the game. Small changes, like expanding cosmetic options or offering alternate weapons that are balanced but less optimal, could add layers of customization and fun for casual players without significantly impacting higher-level play.

These changes aren’t about making operators stronger; they’re about giving players more ways to enjoy the game and express their preferences. Whether it’s cosmetic attachments, overlooked weapons, or adjustments to existing systems, these ideas aim to make Siege more engaging without compromising what makes it competitive. At the end of the day, more player choice could only add to the unique appeal of the game.

Player choice is one of those subjects that kinda gets overlooked at Ubisoft. If you need an example, then look no further than Skopos who only has one weapon in either category. Objectively, that decision was made for “balancing”, but part of me feels like she could have gotten other weapons and been fine. The PCX-33 fires at 745RPM and does 36 damage, literally another option could have been given to us even if it’s worse.

There are reasons we can’t have some player choice changes. Balancing is definitely one of them because we absolutely cannot have Kapkan with the AK-12. And we can’t Ash with flashbangs (we learned from last time). But there are a lot of player choice changes that could easily be made that would likely change nothing at the higher ranks, but introduce more fun and variety for players just chilling out.

So… I am going to propose some player choice changes that are going to be terrible, and then make my way to some that might not be (but in those scenarios I seek feedback).

Part 1 - Cosmetic Player Choice

In Siege there are a variety of attachments that each serve a purpose. Every now and again those attachments vary in strictly cosmetic ways. The AR-15.50 for instance has a vertical grip entirely unique to it. It is probably my favorite vertical grip model in all of Siege. The fact we cannot use this same attachment on other weapons is mildly annoying.

Another one is the suppressor for the PMM and GSH18 for the Russians. Those pistols have cylindrical suppressors. It is the amount of movies I watch, I think the cylindrical suppressors look cooler. I would love to use them on more handguns. Not to mention that the suppressor model for Zero’s unique 5.7USG is a brick suppressor and it irks me that the team overlooked that Sam Fisher has always used a cylindrical suppressor (excluding when using Integral Suppressors)

Finally, the Reflex D is the only 1x optic not available on all primary weapons. It currently is only available for Tachanka’s Degtyaryov DP27 Machine Gun. I absolutely loathed using this optic (when I even did), but it should be freely available for any operator. I think the dev team kind of forgot about this optic. In all fairness, I even had to go back and look at what type of optic it is. I honestly thought it was a holo or red dot.

Part 2 - Weaponry

There are a ton of weapons that make sense from a lore perspective more than balancing. One is the C8-SFW and Nokk. The Jaeger Corps in Denmark use Buck’s C8-SFW, but for balancing reasons, it is entirely held out of the hands of Nokk. I think that’s fair. So ideally I am only going to propose changes that should be okay, but could be mildly “iffy”. I will list them in order of operator from attack to defense then explain all below in order by most likely balanced to least likely.

Striker - gains L85A2, gains M590A1, gains M45 MEUSOC

Thatcher - pick an MP5, gains MK1 9MM

Ash - gains M1014

Glaz - gains CSRX300

Fuze - gains SASG-12

IQ - gains M45 MEUSOC

Capitao - gains M12, gains SPAS15

Hibana - gains MP5SD

Zofia- gains FO-12

Maverick - gains M1014

Nomad - gains TCSG12, gains LFP586

Gridlock - gains Commando9

Zero - gains SR-25

Sens - gains MK17 CQB

Brava - gains SPAS-15, gains PRB92

Ram - gains MK14EBR

Deimos - gains AR-15.50

Sentry - gains 416-C Carbine, gains PRB92

Bandit - gains 416-C Carbine

Valkyrie - gains 1911TACOPS

Vigil - gains MK1 9MM

Alibi - gains P9

Kaid - gains SPAS12, gains PRB92

Oryx - gains MP5 or AUGA3

Thunderbird - gain 9MM C1

Azami - gains P229

Solis - gains 5.7USG

Skopos - gains M870, gains P12

By order of most to least balanced. Attack first then defense.

Pistols - these are fine. In the case of most pistols here, the pistol being added to the operator is objectively worse in most (if not all) aspects. The exceptions would be Alibi gaining the P9, but even then she has the bailiff410 and the ability to make rotates for your team is too strong to throw out for a low damage pistol. IQ is the other scenario where she would be getting buffed by this weapon being added. Although, I do not think most players would mind, especially since the M45 has been in her operator card since day 1 almost ten years ago. Not to mention that it is still a pistol, and they really aren’t the greatest weapons.

Shotguns (on attack) - Adding shotguns on defense is a different scenario than on the attack. One of the attack's greatest advantages is how superior their weaponry is at distance. To add on, with the exception of Striker and Nomad, the shotguns given to attack here are objectively bad. I don’t see anyone choosing Ash for the M1014, Zofia for the FO-12, or Fuze for SASG-12 ever in a competitive environment. 

Capitao gains M12 - The M12 is probably the single worst weapon in the entire game. It does average damage, has a poor rate of fire, and average magazine size. Needless to say, this weapon would be brought as a tool to taunt enemy teams. Although, with an ACOG on Capitao it might not be that bad. But it will probably be very bad. Let's be honest here the M12 is awful. In comparison to the PARA-308, the M12 is worse in every single aspect.

Glaz gains CSRX300 - I expect to hear arguments that this would be overpowered, but I am just going to say that Kali has one of the best gadgets on the entire attacking roster and is brought very seldom. 4 pieces of bulletproof utility that can be destroyed from a distance and through walls (reinforced or not) is S tier. The only reason we don’t see her is probably the CSRX300. I actually think quick (and jiggle) peeking is what’s stopping Kali from being great. If you get jiggled and miss, you will die on the next swing. If you get jiggled as Kali, the only thing you can do is reposition, and that's not always an option. 

As for Glaz getting the CSRX300… Why not? He was THE dedicated sniper operator for years. It’s not like he is particularly strong now, about the only thing I see him taken for is to work with Maverick, but even then you have to ask “was it worth it?” The only immediate issue I see with this is how Kali’s rifle cannot currently use “normal” optics, and therefore would need a rework.

Sens gains MK17 CQB - In real life, his CTU does use this weapon. In Siege, this weapon is only on Blackbeard, and I think it's because of how strong Blackbeard is and was. Given how strong BB was on his launch, and how strong he is again after his rework… It’s not his MK17 that makes him so powerful, it’s his gadget that allows him to frag with an objectively bad weapon. Above average damage, a poor fire rate, and below average magazine leaves the FN SCAR as probably the worst attacking Assault Rifle. Again the idea for these changes aren’t to make these operators better, but to give us the players more options. This change… well it certainly would be interesting.

Zero gains the SR-25 - Okay, technically I don’t think Sam has ever used this weapon. Briggs did during Splinter Cell: Blacklist though so I don’t think most fans of the franchise would question Zero getting the SR25. As for balancing, Zero has the MP7 (a top 3 SMG) and the SC3000K (the best assault rifle that probably needs a nerf if you ask me). Objectively the SR25 would be easily the worst weapon of his loadout.

Ram gains Mk14 EBR - Same CTU as Dokkaebi and she has the R4C. I don’t think I have to say more than Ram has the R4C, which has felt like a balancing nightmare of a weapon since I started playing over 8 years ago. The Mk14 isn’t bad, but it is not the R4C. Now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t think I have seen a single player use the LMG-E on Ram ever and that is kind of sad. It’s always R4C with a vertical grip, flash hider, ACOG, and flashbangs.

Gridlock gains Commando9 - Immediately, this is a weapon that’s used by Mozzie in the same CTU and therefore from a lore perspective it makes sense. This weapon has the same rate of fire as Gridlock’s F90, for a slightly smaller magazine, and 2 less damage points. I think both weapons are laser beams so recoil isn’t really a factor here (to me because my ability to control both weapons is subjective). Some people really like this weapon. One of my friends really likes this weapon, and often just plays Sentry (to my chagrin).

Hibana gains MP5SD - Here is where things start becoming dicey from a balancing perspective. Yes, the MP5SD is objectively a weaker weapon than Hibana’s Type-89. But the magazine increase is significant enough worth mentioning. Do I think it would be imbalanced at a high level of play? No. But I could see it being the preferred choice of newcomers who haven’t mastered recoil control or who don’t have the best of aim.

Thatcher gains an MP5 variant - This one is probably imbalanced, but I wouldn’t be against Thatcher with an MP5. Operation Nimrod (Iranian Embassy Siege) 1980 was the first time where the public got a hint at the operations depicted in Rainbow Six. The Special Air Service retook and saved hostages in broad daylight against terrorists who took over the Iranian Embassy in London. The SAS used 3 different types of MP5 including the MP5K and MP5SD, as well as Browning Hi-Power handguns. Does Thatcher need a buff? No, but him having the weapons that he would’ve for an event that he was canonically there for would certainly be cool. At the bare minimum, the Mk1 9mm (Browning Hi-Power) would probably be fine considering how much better the SIG P226mk25 Thatcher already has is. I really don’t think many players would mind this buff because it’s starting to become a running meme that we only get nerfs. Probably have some internal tests and maybe a play test with some professionals.

Deimos gains AR-15.50 - This one is tricky because I feel like it would be fine for most players. But, the AR-15.50 is a very reliable two shot kill and in the right hands could be incredibly busted. Then again it only has 10 shots. I could definitely see Shaiiko using this on Deimos though. As for why? Deimos was a member of the original Rainbow team, so I wanted to reflect that more than what is currently in Siege. Yes, I could’ve said to hand him an MP5 like in the book, but he wasn’t in the book. So I looked through weaponry in the OG Rainbow Six and thought an M16 (probably A4 because there are no burst weapons currently in Siege) would be cool, but there isn’t one. u/trichotome already said they tried an M4 and that it was too broken, and players were hunting players just to switch off the .44 and use their assault rifle. I don’t know, it might be fine but probably imbalanced as cool as it would be.

Bandit & Sentry gain 416-C Carbine - The 416-C has had one of the biggest fall offs of any weapon in this entire game. Not as big as the OTS-03 on Glaz because I remember when that did more than 100 damage and had the thermal scope. Although it is a shadow of its former self, it is definitely an iconic weapon to the game for all the rounds of Jager mains and many would like to see it on another operator. The GSG9 of course because Jager, so Bandit with the superior MP7 gets it. Sentry because he fits this spot where he lacks a CTU and his Commando9 is better. Not to mention the amount of countries that use the HK416, I feel like it makes the most sense on him.

Kaid gains the SPAS12 - Kaid currently only has access to the AUGA3 and TCSG12, and as a shotgun the TCSG plays more like a soft breaching DMR. The SPAS12 would make a fun albeit niche addition to his kit. Could be used to great effect on defense, but I think most players would choose the other two options out of safety rather than tactics.

Oryx - I remember when Oryx had the MP5 and then they did the old “swaperoo” with Melusi. Then again he is also an unofficial member of Kaid’s CTU, so an AUGA3 isn’t out of the question either. Both are cool, and neither are better than the juggernaut of defense the T-5. Either could be cool additions, and more options are always welcome.

Skopos gains M870 - She already has impact grenades so I think a shotgun is totally unnecessary. The only thing is that she only has one option for either weapon. Your only choice with her is attachments, and even then it’s still limiting. I think a shotgun could be used very powerfully on Skopos, but also she’s a very difficult operator to play already and there’s so much that could break balance. She is complicated. Definitely something that would require testing.

Part 3 - On The Illusion of Player Choice

When it comes to attachments in Rainbow Six: Siege there is a rule of thumb. If you don’t know what to run, put on a vertical grip and flash hider. I remember hearing someone say this before the Y9S1 attachment changes. It is still the case. Although to the credit of the developing team, I do consider using other grips more now than in the past. I feel like there is some irony after just spending basically 5 pages on adding objectively bad weapons to operators just “for fun”, to talk about attachment balancing.

The laser sight - I actually use this attachment less now than I did in the past. .05s faster ADS speed is not worth it considering you are using an attachment that basically says “prefire here”. I can’t count the number of times I have prefired someone because of their laser sight since the change. I have no clue why players use this, like the old angled grip it is objectively bad. The only operators I use this on currently are the four shields because it does make a difference on these ops, but it is still super niche.

The angled grip - I was ecstatic to hear this was being reworked in Y9S1. The old angled grip was completely pointless when compared to the vertical grip, and now… Oh boy it’s basically the same. You know I don’t think the reload speed bonus on its own will ever be good in comparison to recoil control. Well I guess that’s not true, but it would take a serious buff before I would ever consider it. Right now the only weapon I use this grip on is the SC3000K and that is just because I like how it looks like an F2000. The gun is a overpowered laser anyways so it doesn’t really hurt me.

Horizontal Grip - There is a much greater reason to use this attachment than the angled grip. The movement speed buff does not affect ADS movement speed, so it doesn’t let you jiggle faster. But rotate speed has a much greater potential than reload speed. A roamer's job is to waste time and resources, and the ability to disappear at the drop of a hat cannot be understated. The only immediate flaw is that you aren’t any quieter, so the bonus really only helps 3 speeds move disappear better. Even then, it’s not worth the increased recoil for the scenarios where you can do serious damage to the attack. The only time I use horizontal grip is on attack and on DMR’s specifically because the Vertical grip doesn’t help them that much, and rotating on attack is often so much more important than defense. The distance of those rotates for attack is also significantly greater.

Telescopic optics - I don’t see these at all. I think that the zoom makes players too tunnel visioned. I know that is why I stay away from these. Not to mention they are limited to DMR’s. Maybe consider adding them to all attack weapons. 

I do not think the flash hider or vertical grip are problematic, but I literally see them on most weapons. Why is the same attachment combination being used for Ash as it is for Doc? Two radically different operators, and all I see from both is always, ACOG with a vertical grip and flash hider. It’s so boring building your weapon in Siege because optimally there is really only one way.

Personally I would remedy this by once again changing the attachments.

Make the angled grip help with horizontal recoil control instead and it’ll actually see some use. I can think of a couple weapons that I would absolutely double up on horizontal recoil control on.

Make the horizontal grip not only affect movement speed, but add the reload speed effect as well. The bonuses of either individually were super niche, but together probably more viable. This way the risk/reward meets well enough in consideration to the other options.

Maybe make another grip attachment that accomplishes what the muzzle break does, and I bet you’d see it on DMR’s. Now players might be more comfortable using suppressors on DMR’s more often.

Make the laser have both effects of hipfire and ADS speed. Even then I probably would only use it on shotguns and shields. In this scenario of course, it would only affect hip fire spread and not spread while ADS like it did before.

Maybe make another underbarrel attachment so I have something to use for that category, unlike the last 8 or so years I’ve played. I mean we couldn’t get an IR laser, a flashlight, a range finder, or anything? I honestly think a magnifier would be cool. Lose all the bonuses of the attachments in that category just to use a 2.5x with a better reticle. Not to mention it’d look cool. Of course it would come with all the debuffs that magnified optics have. I’m just talking out of my ass now, but you get the idea that there are things to fill this gap that has been vacant in most loadouts for a decade.


In summary, player choice in Siege is an area that could benefit from more attention and flexibility. While some restrictions are understandable for the sake of balance there are plenty of opportunities to add variety without breaking the game. Small changes, like expanding cosmetic options or offering alternate weapons that are balanced but less optimal, could add layers of customization and fun for casual players without significantly impacting higher-level play.

These changes aren’t about making operators stronger; they’re about giving players more ways to enjoy the game and express their preferences. Whether it’s cosmetic attachments, overlooked weapons, or adjustments to existing systems, these ideas aim to make Siege more engaging without compromising what makes it competitive. At the end of the day, more player choice could only add to the unique appeal of the game.