Pointless hope?
Since I got my license I've been hoping mazda would produce something to follow up the rx8. Yes a lot of that is because I'm an enthusiast but for me personally there's more to it. I'm 26 I've owned my GSL-SE since I was 18 and I often wonder what is what like to have this car when it was new, same goes for my rx8. To have the option of taking it in to the dealer, To not have to search for parts that aren't being manufactured anymore. Also it would be dope to be the 1st and only owner of a rotary car, to know all of its history everywhere it's been. Feels like since I was in middle school (2012) they have been teasing us with this "rx vision" nonsense. Its like they forgot if it wasn't for the "rotary" they wouldn't be around today.
Side note. Does it bother anyone else they NEVER gave the option to have a rotary in a miata from factory???? It just makes so much sense to me but idk maybe I'm just dumb.