Rising women's complains today about dating do not add up to the reality of their sexual privilege
I see many women complaining about the current dating market, but so far it makes no sense:
- Women have almost all control now over sex and relationships (dating apps, in real life), fertility (most birth control), and even over life itself (abortion, adoption) in many places.
- Women can choose to be single, and it is easier than ever in history. They are also happier as single women than single men.
- Single women can still get sex and even most benefits a relationship can give them without a committed relationship.
- Men are less violent toward women than ever, and there are institutions protecting women. All legal institutions implicitly agree women are more likely to be victims rather than perpetrators.
- Women have more options than ever. They can meet a rich man in Tinder; it is not even that hard if they are good-looking.
- Older women may lose some sex appeal but still have far more options than average men by miles.
- Even ugly, fat and deformed women have more options than many average men.
- Women are free from most gender roles while men are still bond to them, such as paying for stuff and consequences, even by law when SHTF.
Women here seems to complain about mainly two things:
- Lack of commitment from the men they do like, which is expected if they all choose the same 10% of men.
- Porn.
The later points is obviously a result of the first points. If few men are getting women at their own league because women choose to have sex with men over their own league, then men obviously will rely on porn and similar to satisfy themselves. Women shall be more empathic for these men, which is weird they are not because supposedly half their families and people they know are male and obviously they cannot be all high value men. Very weird how cruel women can be to random men considering it is very likely their own brothers and sons are/will suffer the same destiny, but that is not the point of this post.
TLDR: Women found a way to complain about being victims in the current dating market while being more privileged in the dating market than ever in history. This does not add up to reality.