The Reason Getting Dates is So Much Harder For Men Is Women Won’t Look Past Any Flaws
If a woman is presentable and has a single nice feature, she can date at will.
For men you’re in a disqualifying process on probably just one of these if you don’t know her:
Live with parents, Any noticeable physical issue, Not masculine enough, Taller than him in heels, Has kids, Unkept, Doesn’t have a career, Not enough intellect, Not fit enough, One weird pic she found, Conflicting religious or political, No friends, Walks funny, Not her “type”, Doesn’t like your voice, Etc…
If you have any flaw that doesn’t meet the status quo then she isn’t likely to pick you for a date. Many times with women you’re battling not just looks, but also not giving her any reason to say no. Then you need to activate something visceral in her.
Landing dates is significantly more difficult for most men. The main reason is women can afford to focus on even one flaw and disqualify the guy for romantic interest, and still get as many dates as they want.
Guys look at the qualities they like in women, women look to get turned off by any single flaw in any guy she doesn’t fully know.