The technology isn’t helping

Annoying as hell that we’re supposed to make our classes technologically diverse and engaging, because Gen Z just loves their technology! ….but few people seem to realize at best, they’re less technologically literate than millenials, and at worse actually try to use it as an excuse.

This week I had multiple student’s email me they didn’t know how to insert images into the file (as instructed). When did they send this email? The day it was due, of course! After two weeks of it being available. When I asked if they’d bothered to look up “how to insert photo into file” each said “ooooh! No I didn’t do that!”

Why. The fuck. Not.

They sure as shit would know to Google when it was something they really wanted to do.

And if you don’t know how to add photos to a file, many an online class in visual art is not for you….maybe????

Also a TON of emails (again, during the last hour the assignment is due) saying they are not being admitted into the LMS and need an extension. All of them had proof, too! Was the proof a screenshot of a specific error code? Or page not found/server down? Or an email from the LMS saying the site it down unexpectedly (an email would also get)

Nope! Every single one of them just included a screenshot of the login page with the error message of …..

“Incorrect password entered”

It pisses me off so fucking much they think I’m that stupid.