Do students think we're dumb/clueless?
Or that they can get away with whatever they want?
I have a two-part in-class assignment that students sign up for in advance. They are responsible for knowing when they need to complete each part, and make sure they're in class those days. They then turn in a completed assignment to the LMS.
A student just turned in their assignment but.....they were not in class either day they were supposed to be. It was clear that they completed the assignment based on the lecture slides available on the LMS, which are just bullet points for the most part so what they turned in was just a shell of what they needed to complete. There has been no communication from them about missing class or asking for a way to make up the assignment (there really isn't).
Did this student really think I was not aware that they were absent? That I wouldn't notice? I take attendance for crying out loud! They're going to get a 0 obviously, and I will call them out on it, but I'm just over here absolutely flabbergasted, but also not surprised at the absolute gall of them trying to just sneak it in.