for the love of WHATEVER CELESTIAL HIGHER BEING THERE IS OUT THERE, that's IT. WHY do I see this game EVERYWHERE??!!?!??? I don't even play roblox and yet I STILL see content about it on Youtube and Tumblr and fricking EVERYWHERE I EXIST?? Where did this come from and why does it keep flooding my recommended???
(By the way, I'm sorry for all the angry stuff I don't see anything wrong with this game I just don't understand why I keep seeing everywhere so suddenly.... I don't play roblox so I have really no idea where this came from, too.... If it wasn't obvious [I suppose it wasn't lol] I just want to know why everyone loves this game so much. I keep seeing art and stuff about it everywhere so I started wondering maybe it's worth getting into if I keep seeing it everywhere and everyone likes it so much...? Do you think it's worth time for someone who doesn't play roblox usually?)