Raising Kanan season 4 predictions

  • Unique gonna assume he was set up by Thomas family and attack the Chinese building and kill there workers at the warehouse

-the war is gonna be short lived unique gonna end up working with kanan and Thomas family

-the feds are still gonna be on Marvin

-Raq is gonna be working with pops and snaps

-Unique and marvin gonna be working with stefano

-Lou gonna mentor a young rapper B-Rilla who he wants to sign fresh outta prison

-famous dies by Freddy ppl

-jukebox catch her first body

-raq and kanan work on repairing there relationship

-we get introduced to breeze towards end of season 4 he’s in unique crew that’s how kanan meets breeze

-unique and pernessa go there separate ways (she’s not in season 5)

-Raq and Unique end up coming back together towards middle/end of season 4

That’s All I got right now