Best way for collaboration with Power BI
Looking for best practices with collaboration utilising Power BI.
Currently we have 3 members of the company utilising Power BI and creating their own reports.
Myself - Sales
Colleague 1 - Ops
Colleague 2 - He's in FP&A so does a bunch.
Myself & colleague 1 have been tasked with combining our reports to create a high level one so that the higher ups can just see the numbers and their trends.
We've seemingly 'succesfully' done this through creating one singular .pbix in a sharepoint and importing semantic models with just the data, along with having 'index' tables so that we can create relationships. We utilise sharepoints 'Check out' feature so we know when someone is editing if we're not already doing it together.
We've come across two problems:
Editing the report is SUPER slow. I've never work with this much data & tables. What are some troubleshooting options we can do to improve the performance?
Permission issues. When publishing the report, only myself & colleague 1 can see the data. When the sales director reviews the report they can only see sales, and same with ops only seeing ops. What permission level do they require as we've only found 'All Permissons' to work.