I fully believe our flare gun was supposed to be used on Yarnaby

I've been disappointed these past few weeks that this wasn't an idea used in-game since the flare hand was re-established with a new mechanic this chapter to burn a variety of flammable objects and Yarnaby is made of, you know. But now looking back, that's probably what they were aiming to implement this whole time and it got cut due to time constraints, because when you really look into it, a lot of the weird choices with Yarnaby's sections can be explained this way.

Both of his chase scenes are extremely easy, straightforward, and take place in glaringly open areas, a stark contrast to the claustrophobic chases with constant dead ends we've had up until now. Buuuuut if we're running from Yarnaby and we were supposed to, say, be forced to look back and shoot at him to slow him down or stun him as he tries to shake off the flames on his yarn body so he's momentarily prevented from catching up to us due to him being extremely agile and able to overtake us even while we're sprinting, it would've justified the wide corridors. With chases like Huggy, Mommy, and DogDay, I don't see why else Mob would've abandoned the principles they've set in stone if not to make way for a game mechanic that necessitated the Yarnaby chases have a lot of room to breathe. Like c'mon, tell me with a straight face the end of the last chase scene where he gets caught in a hook doesn't SCREAM a quick-time event where you repeatedly snipe him to set him fully ablaze and end him for good.

I'd even go as far as to say the big hide-and-seek section was also designed with the flare in mind. With how borderline unfair Yarnaby's AI was on its own, a mechanic where we can shoot him if he spots us and take advantage of the distraction to escape to a hiding spot feels like more than a missed opportunity and like it was genuinely missing.

I've been disappointed these past few weeks that this wasn't an idea used in-game since the flare hand was re-established with a new mechanic this chapter to burn a variety of flammable objects and Yarnaby is made of, you know. But now looking back, that's probably what they were aiming to implement this whole time and it got cut due to time constraints, because when you really look into it, a lot of the weird choices with Yarnaby's sections can be explained this way.

Both of his chase scenes are extremely easy, straightforward, and take place in glaringly open areas, a stark contrast to the claustrophobic chases with constant dead ends we've had up until now. Buuuuut if we're running from Yarnaby and we were supposed to, say, be forced to look back and shoot at him to slow him down or stun him as he tries to shake off the flames on his yarn body so he's momentarily prevented from catching up to us due to him being extremely agile and able to overtake us even while we're sprinting, it would've justified the wide corridors. With chases like Huggy, Mommy, and DogDay, I don't see why else Mob would've abandoned the principles they've set in stone if not to make way for a game mechanic that necessitated the Yarnaby chases have a lot of room to breathe. Like c'mon, tell me with a straight face the end of the last chase scene where he gets caught in a hook doesn't SCREAM a quick-time event where you repeatedly snipe him to set him fully ablaze and end him for good.

I'd even go as far as to say the big hide-and-seek section was also designed with the flare in mind. With how borderline unfair Yarnaby's AI was on its own, a mechanic where we can shoot him if he spots us and take advantage of the distraction to escape to a hiding spot feels like more than a missed opportunity and like it was genuinely missing.