Its crazy how effective BPC is for me
I wish I could safely get this prescribed on my budget and covered by insurance. But I can't and I don't know if I'll ever be able to. I have a connective tissue disorder (EDS) and every time I have a stubborn tendonitis this brings down the pain and increases my activity in days, be it sesamoiditis, Achilles tendonitis, golfer's elbow, even shoulder bursitis. The more activities I can do, the better my mood is. Like anyone I get pretty down when I can't, for example, complete my ADLs without pain.
The best an orthopedist can offer me is physical therapy, RICE and NSAIDs, when tendonitis really isn't inflammatory for many, it's degenerative, meaning things like ice and advil or steroid injections may actively be preventing proper healing. I still do PT, of course, but I guess this is just a vent about healthcare here. Does anyone see a future in which BPC-157 is an actual approved treatment for these situations? I know it needs clinical trials in humans. Will we ever see the day?