YouTube Kids
So me and my partner have always had YouTube kids since our son was probably around 1. He’s 4 in May. So we picked up on a few videos he was watching when we looked over onto his iPad early last year to see a monster reaching from under a bed and clawing at a kids chest saying I’m going to get you. We immediately reported the videos and have kept a closer eye on things.
Recently though he’s been behaving poorly at bedtime. We got a 7 week old as well. But some more weird things pop up on his YTK. We’ve decided to ban it now so we’ve deleted the account and put Face ID and pins on all the YouTube apps on various devices and basically agreed he can only watch CBeebies as that is moderated and educational for the most part.
Just wondering if anyone else has found issues with YT Kids at all?
Edit: thank you all for the reply’s. Grateful for all of them. ❤️