As a new player, Dragapult ex is turning me away from this game
How is 60 bench snipe that can't be protected from manaphy for 2 energy on a 320hp mon even fair or fun? It comes out turn 2 almost every game and then snipes away any of my set ups. I feel forced to play huge basics with little evolution mons because they take time and Dragapult ex is super consistent.
I posted a Infernape / Camerupt list a day or two ago. I took suggestions to speed it up, but I still get crushed by Dragapult ex specifically. I do well against Gard and against mono Zard and even have a positive win rate against Chien Pow decks.
How do I counter play Dragapult ex? Please don't say things like "git gud" or "it takes time", I know it takes time, I come from other card games and have been playing them for 25 years.
I am asking what cards specifically should I be running as generic or specific counter play for this Decktype/Archetype?