Suffering from error code 80022D68
I necro'd an old thread in PS3homebrew too, posting my experience but I am getting desperate, for whatever reason because ultimately things work, just, not optimally.
Whenever I go to Trophies, press triangle, and "synchronize with server" My synchronization crawls slowly, for about five or six minutes up to 17%, from there jumps to 95% 100% and error "There was error synchronizing trophies (80022D68)" - if I just press my trophy list online, same behaviour happens but it just shows me my trophy list, that is, minutes long waits for the sync, jumps from 17% to 95, 100% and done. Choosing an game and going back to list gives 30-60 second long wait too, and canceling the synchronization on other areas of OS, or canceling sync in game that I did not want to do for the time it wastes, usually still keeps OS hanging for 1 or 2 minutes.
I restored my filesystem manually, rebuilt my database, removed and recreated my profile (backing up my saves I could to USB) and after synchronizing my trophies over hour long process, I got error 80711008 once, and after what the same as I had before started, the same exact pattern, 5-6 minutes to 17%, jump, error 80022D68 if I used "Synchronize with servers", everything fine if I just choose my trophies in online mode aside the 5 to 6 minute long wait.
My profile has been used on a Vita system, PS4 system and of course, my original PS3 the same slim I bought in 2012. After all I did, thinking I could cure my 6 minute waits, thinking I could "Cure" it by tackling this weird error with manual synchronization I just, REALLY want to defeat it or at least know reason in my own defeat, this took many hours out of my sunday, and I got nothing, I only lost.