Made new Moira perks because I don't really like the current ones

SET 1:

Minor perks:

Dramatic Entrance: create an instant blast of 50 healing and damage in a small radius around you after leaving Fade.

Shifting Weight: If Coalescense affects both an ally and enemy at once, the ally gains increased movement speed and the enemy moves slower.

Major perks:

Balance: Biotic Orb becomes half as effective but can hold two charges and has its cooldown reduced by 60%.

Fulfilling Chaos: healing an ally damages nearby enemies, and damaging enemies heals nearby allies.

SET 2:

Minor perks:

Impatient Explosion: Activate Biotic Orb again while it's already active to explode it for 75% of its remaining effect.

Haunting: Fading through teammates grants them 30 temporary overhealth and Fading through enemies poisons them for 30 damage over 5 seconds

Major Perks:

Desperate Clinging: Biotic Orb weakly orbits targets under 60% max HP. (isn't strong enough to do a full orbit if the target stands still, so enemies can fling it off and allies can get more use out of it by paying attention) [Maybe unbalanced IMO]

Projection: Press [3rd ability keybind] to send forth a shadow of yourself that travels through walls, marks enemies, and damages barriers & deployables. (14 second cooldown, 16 meter range. Can be cast in any direction, including vertically)

So. Opinions? Any of them too OP or useless, or don't sound fun? Any that sound more fun than the current ones? Let's discuss