Oka Ruto Elimination Methods
For this I had multiple ideas, so here they are
"The Accident"
Sumire's Vengence
Burying Oka Alive.
Bullying Oka?
"The Accident" Monday - Week 4
- You start the day by seeing a cutscene of the bullies gossiping again, they are talking about the events you caused prior to this week and start shit talking the basu sisters and how "weird" they are. They even mention the ghost of the third floor bathroom, mentioning that it is a myth within school grounds that some idiots, like the occult club, fully believe in. You can hear them even talk about the murder case that took place. Just to give a bit of lore into the game.
- Oka, who is cleaning the bathroom stall, will overhear the gossip and take a mental note of some of the things that was said. Promptly walking out. After doing so she is followed by harassment of the bullies.
- Around Monday morning, a little bit closer to class time, you can overhear Oka talking to herself in the club room about how the ghost might actually be a demon in disguise. You can choose to talk to Oka and tell her to investigate the "weird ghost of bathroom floor 3". She even says you can get information about the Basu sisters if you talk to the spirit, making her REALLY want to talk to them.
- Oka notes that 3-4AM is the prime time demons are active, meaning she would need help getting access to school grounds at that time. You agree.
Monday Night
You probably might need to buy a Ouija board from the toy store before going to do this activity.
- Around 2:30AM on monday night, you and Oka meet just outside of school grounds. You note that due to recent activity ( due to disappearances or murders ) they have police guards outside, roaming the gate of the school.
- You can either walk to the nearby town and break into a store to gain bangsnaps and masks OR you can simply distract them using giggles, footsteps and rocks you find.
- If you're inside of the store, you could do a little minigame where you have to avoid cops, closer to the "stalker house" for Osana.
- Once you have a clean gate. You can hop the gate to get into school grounds. You remember from looking around that turning off the alarm system is hidden somewhere inside of the school grounds on one of the walls.
- Walking around, and distracting more guards, you can find a little box that's inside of a building known only as "Faculty Only" ( replaces the maze ). This building can get into for yet another lockpicking minigame, simelar to "Skyrim". Once in you can sneak around.
- At the back of the building you locate a box which has a password. You need one.
- If you have ever snooped around the headmasters office, you would have accidentily picked up this password thrown away in the trash. "1980".
- Imputting the password safely shuts down the alarm system of the school. You and Oka now enter the school.
- You make your way up to the third floor with flashlights in a little cutscene where you talk to eachother. Just a little way for Oka to gain your trust. Maybe another Minigame?
- You and Oka will pull out an Ouija board. Once she does this, you will sneak out of the room and attempt to find something lethal.
- Using the gloves from the drama club, A piece of rope you find inside of the Gym, the sacrificial knife and some red paint. You can stage this murder to look like it took place due to a freaky demon summoning. Leaving the Ouija board where it is on the letter "d".
Tuesday Morning
- On Tuesday morning Oka is found, in a little cutscene of the bullies finding her body in the 3rd story bathroom. She is dead.
- They will take pictures and report the death as well as post it over social media.
- Walking around school for the rest of the week you can hear unique dialogue where students talk about the death. It was ruled as supernatural. Rival Eliminated.
Burying Oka Alive
For this method you will need a little bit of prep beforehand.
Monday Morning
- Monday you must befriend every member inside of the occult club and do their unique tasks. Some might be helping them take books to the Occult club. Others might be to research things. It will take a full day.
Tuesday Morning
- On tuesday ask one of the people you befriended to follow you. Kill them any ways necessary and get away with it any way you wish to.
- You then wait for someone to find the corpse. Anyone will do. Bonus points if it's student council. Or Oka herself.
Wednesday Morning
- Attend the "Loss of a student" assembly at the start of the day.
- at the end of the assembily walk around and try and find out where Oka is.
- Once you find Oka. Sobbing inside of the occult club. Talk to her.
- If you play your cards right you can get an invite to the funeral. Oka will even put her number in your phone to text you the address.
Thursday Morning
- You don't attend school. Instead you call in sick and go to the store to pick up supplies. Mostly being a bunch of useful items to help you Bury Oka.
Friday Morning
- Friday, if you have your score high enough, you can tranq Oka.
- There will be a cutscene where, instead of bringing her home, you can bring her to the cemetary where one of her friends is buried.
- There will be a little minigame where you need to dig up the grave and place Oka inside.
- The other member of the occult club will be disposed of. Maybe inside of the river nearby.
- Before the funeral friday afternoon, You swap the corpse of Oka and Supana inside of the coffin left right next to the hole they dug for it.
- While the funeral is attending, Oka wakes up. Her screams and cries cannot be heard in a six foot deep hole.
- After everyone leaves you see Ayano stay behind. The camera pans to her face as she smiles a very twisted grin. Bye Bye Oka!
Bullying Oka?
Monday - Week 4
- You walk to the basu sisters and notice Oka is stalking them. You take a picture of this.
- Through the day you will notice Oka clearly stalking these sisters. Take multiple pictures. You'll need them.
- Either you can report her to the councler and remove her that way...or...
Monday Night
- Monday Night you can go onto social media and upload a doc including the images of Oka stalking. "Today I saw Oka Ruto stalking the Basu sisters! Weird much?"
- The bullies will respond.
Tuesday Morning
- The bullies will target Oka.
- You can see all of them but Kokoro joining in. Kokoro seems distant.
- Buy a microphone. You'll need it for later.
Tuesday Lunch
- At lunch time you can see the bullies hanging out at the back of the school while on a smoke break. They gossip about Oka. Making fun of how creepy and weird she is. Basically shit talking her.
- Record the conversation <3
- Either wait til class time or get your way around staff and steal the ID card from the teachers lounge. This is to turn on the announcement speakers.
Tuesday class time
- During class time make your way over to the announcemt room
- You do a minigame like the Swipe card minigame from Among Us.
- If you've got what you need the outside red box above the door should turn from "Off air to On Air"
- The speakers will blast out the conversation that happened at lunch of all of the girls shit talking Oka. Everyone is listening.
- Oka will put her head on the desk and cover her ears. Kokoro looks over at her in sympathy.
- You quickly leave the room as you see staff coming.
Tuesday after school
- Kokoro and Oka will have a conversation about what happened.
- You note that Kokoro hates being apart of the bullies and tells Oka she doesn't mean to hurt her.
- She promises to not bully Oka, but cannot say that for her friends.
- Notification: "Kokoro isn't a bully?"
Wednesday Morning
- Put a note in Kokoro's locker talking about "Bullying Resentfulness".
- "Maybe I should meet them?"
- Meet her on the rooftop.
Kokoro: "Oh! You're the one who wanted to meet me here?"
Ayano: Yes. I need to ask some questions.
Kokoro: I'm listening..?
Ayano: I apologise for being insensitive. I overheard your conversation with Oka while cleaning. Why are you friends with Musume?
Kokoro: It's a long story honestly..I don't wish to talk about it.
Ayano: What if I said I could help you remove yourself from the group?
Kokoro: *Ugh* Fine. I'll tell you. Only if you promise that it won't be spread to them.
Kokoro: Back in my old school I was the nerdy girl that was bullied for being different. The bullying got so bad I got thoughts of..disappearing. I was quickly enrolled in akademi after informing my parents.
Kokoro: I joined and instantly got scared of Musume and her gang. I knew I wouldn't survive if I got bullied again..sooo I joined them.
Kokoro: If you can't beat 'em. Join 'em. So.. I dressed like them, acted like them and eventually befriended them.
Kokoro: Every damn fuckin' day I wish I could leave the damn group...but I'm too scared to.
Ayano: You can. I have a plan.
Kokoro: what do you mean?
Ayano: Meet me at the allyway by odayaka bakery at 6pm. I'll tell you.
Kokoro: I'll take anything at this point to be myself again. I'll meet you there.
- Through the day you can see Oka getting bullied. Time and time again Kokoro refuses to bully. This leads to a "talk".
Wednesday Lunch Time
- Behind the school Musume and Kokoro have a conversdation. Record it.
Musume: Koko, the fuck?
Kokoro: What do you mean, Musume?
Musume: You refuse to indulge in our group anymore, what gives eh? You lesbian or something?
Kokoro: Lesbian, what do you mean?
Musume: You love the girl. that Oka girl. Don't you?
Kokoro: No. Ew. She's a freak I'd never love a girl like her.
Kokoro: She's a fuckin' weirdo that's into that weird occult shit. She's ugly and gross too and a petty little stalker. She's insane. Never love agirl like her. We ain't even friends.
Musume: That's the spirit! So guuurl why do you liiiike...not bully her theeeen?
Kokoro: I wanna get more info to expose her to the WHOLE school. Tryna figure out who spread out juicy little convo
*Both of them giggle*
Musume: alright gurl, talk to you lateeerrr!
- Musume will go back to the group.
- You can share this audio with Oka. Oka will be deeply upset.
- Kokoro and Oka will have a conversation shortly after. Oka will slap Kokoro. Take a pic of this.
- Follow Oka to her club where she will talk to Supa. Record this.
Oka: *Crying her eyes out* I hate this world!
Supa: Oka, what's wrong? Are you okay?
Oka: NO! My best friend is a MONSTER! She used me!
Oka: H..How did I not see this coming? She was a bully! A freaking bully!
Supa: Okay, whoa whoa. Calm down. What happened?
Oka: Musume trash talked me to the whole school and now my friend Kokoro is doing it too!
Supa: Okay...maybe she has another reason for doing this?
Oka: WHAT OTHER REASON?! Is it because she thinks I'm weird? That I'm a stalker?
Supa: Wow.. I've never seen you like this...
Oka: SHUT UP! If Musume never talked shit about me Kokoro would never hate me IT'S ALL MUSUME'S FAULT!
- Take the conversation to Musume to hear. Musume will be standing next to the pool having a smoke.
- After hearing this Musume will go "WHAT THE FUCK?! SHE'S GOING DOWN!" and run away.
- Musume will run into the doorway of the occult club and point at Oka. Start recording!
Oka: *Preying* I-I didn't...I wasn't... *Oka looks at her hands*
Musume: Don't lie to me Oka. this is the final stray. I WILL ruin your life.
- Musume runs off angry. Kokoro will appear, wondering what is going on.
- She sees Oka crying and Supa hugging her.
Kokoro: Oka...I...
- Kokoro will start crying. She will turn to you, noticing you saw it.
- "I can't do this anymore...what's the plan?"
- I'll tell you at 6. You hug Kokoro.
6pm. Wednesday Night.
- You meet Kokoro in the allyway behind the Bakery.
Kokoro: Ayano! What's the plan
Ayano: We're going to break in.
Kokoro: huh...what do you mean?
Ayano: You wanna leave the bullies, right?
Kokoro: Yea...
Ayano: The only way, in my eyes, is to stop her from bullying alltogether.
Kokoro: WHAT?!
Kokro: Ayano! She will NEVER listen to me! What were you thinking?
Ayano: It's the only option we have!! Besides, I'll be there if things get out of hand.
Ayano: If you don't you'll continue to be tormented by the disgusting actions the gang does. The only option you have is to reform her from her selfish ways. Then you will save Oka and yourself!
Kokoro: and...if we fail...?
Ayano: Leave it to me.
Kokoro: Let's do it. I'm in.
Ayano: Good choice.
10pm. Wednesday Night.
Kokoro: So how are we going to do this?
Ayano: What does she normally do at this time?
Kokoro: Write fucked up shit about other people on her shitty little drama blog.
Ayano: Let's sneak in. It'll be too risky to knock on the door.
Ayano: Oh, You might need this. Your clothes and hair stand out like a sore thumb.
- You can then enter the house. You look around and find an open window next to some vines. You can climb up these.
- Notification: "Follow Kokoro into Musume's room!"
- You follow Kokoro to the room and watch round the door.
Kokoro: Musume babes, we need to talk.
Musume: OMFG!! KOKORO!! A simple knock would do?? What the fuck are you wearing?
Kokoro: Not important. We need to talk.
Musume: Okaaay...what about babes?
Kokoro: I think we should drop the act we have. Yknoe, being bullies? It's-
Musume: Wait..What?!
Musume: oh my gawd you did not. You just betrayed me and the girls that's liek the number one rule??!
Kokoro: No...I didn't-
Musume: You stupid fuckin bitch, you're the same four eyed loser than when you first joined. Why did I even let you join our group?
Musume: EXPECIALLY after EVERYTHING I did for you. Hanging out with losers like Oka? No gurl.
Kokoro: She's not a loser Musume...
Musume: Yes she is. OMG but so are you though?? WTF this is like totes going on my blog LMAO! You're such a loser I can't even!
Kokoro: Shut the fuck up Musume.
Musume: Excuse me, slut? How about you go back to reading your horror books. I'll make your life a living hell to make it as REAL as possible for you. LMAO!
Musume: Bad things happen to people that betray us you ugly fuckin' rat. Can't wait to see you and the stalker weirdo suffer.
- A Cutscene will play out of Kokoro brutally stabbing and murdering Musume in a fit of rage.
- You can go one of three ways here.
- You can get Kokoro arrested. Oka will believe the death Kokoro caused was because of her and decide to change schools. People would start beliving it was her that caused it anyways.
- You can help Kokoro. You can make the evidence look like Oka did it, even leaving a blood stained copy of Oka's clothes inside of Musume's bathroom. You can do this if you got Oka to change out of her uniform previously. Oka will be arrested.
- Clean up. Nobody say anything. The bullies will realise due to this that bullying can really cause damage to others. They will change their ways, looks and part ways into different friend groups and clubs. Kokoro will confess she has feelings for Oka after apologising. Oka is hesitant but will accept the confession, Rival Eliminated.
Sumire's Vengence
Sunday - Week 3
On this night, you will get a cutscene of Ayano sleeping. In the "dream world" everyone is at school, but nobody notices you. If they do, you're called "Ryoba."
Walking up to the 3rd story bathroom you start to hear some of the dialogue from the 1980's Tutorial rival.
You follow blood splatters into the bathroom and see Sumire's corpse, on the floor.
After this you have another cutscene of you, watching your mother kill her first victim. The camera pans through a hallway of bloody flootsteps, blood splotches and then her, in the bathroom, murdering her victim.
Ayano will say she feels a "cold breeze" and then get jumpscared by what looks to be Sumire, just with a distorted face.
Ayano states she wants to put a stop to those nightmares as she has better things to worry about.
Monday - Week 4
- The morning will start with Oka and Senpai talking inside of the occult club. Oka will be sitting on one of the tables as Senpai is talking to her. She asks why senpai is going home early and if it's about his sisters birthday.
- He says he did, he wishes to bring her a gift but has no idea where he should put it, since she could easily go find it.
- Oka says she will keep the gift safe.
- You can then follow Oka and Senpai to the occult club where he is asked to join the clubs activies, noting that he is interested.
- They will note that they are talking about the "seven mysteries of akademi high".
Monday Lunch Time
- You can go to the Library to talk to Kuudere. She will ask as her task for help organising the Library since the bullies trashed it the day prior. You can help. While doing so you find a diary of someone that talks about some of the mysteries of Akademi.
- Inside of the book it has a slip of newspaper which talks in depth about the death inside of the upstairs third story bathroom.
- A notification will pop up. "So these dreams DO mean something. I should take a look at the bathroom."
- Walking in the bathroom you can see a notification saying "You feel cold. Go find Oka."
- You watch her walk back to class and sit alone and read. So you go to class too.
Cleaning Time
- Around cleaning time when people are getting ready to leave, you notice Oka walking to the same bathroom.
- She mysteriously dissapears when walking into the bathroom. A notification pops up saying "go find senpai".
- You find him and follow him to make sure he gets home safely.
Monday Afternoon
- You will have a cutscene where Ayano is talking to her mother.
- She will ask about the girl "Sumire" but get zero answer, even getting told to pay attention in class instead of silly roumers.
- Notification: "Mother is keeping a naughty little secret. Those dreams mean something"
The game Jumpcuts to Tuesday Morning
- You stalk senpai. "Oh my belovid senpai, why must you be tainted with this witches gaze?"
- You overhear some occult club members talking about the ghost.
- You can interupt the conversation and ask to know more, being prompted to join the occult club.
- You agree to join and both of them goofily run off to tell Oka.
You get a cutscene of saki and inkyu talking about how they "have to be silent for her" and "don't forget why we are here".
You are now in the occult club, surrounded by it's members.
Oka refuses to let Ayano join, but after being persuaded by her club members she caves and allows it.
Notification: "Oka really knows a lot more than she lets on. She is a wolf in sheeps clothing."
After Class
- You see senpai and Oka talking.
- You hear senpai talking about a book he took from oka
- Before figuring out a plan you realise he read it all already. Shoot.
- Senpai and Oka agree to meet up at 5:15 at the school enterence.
- Oka will walk to the rooftop, while doing so you see her appearence in the mirror glitch into "Sumire". You freak out.
- Oka walks to the roof. The school bell rings and the screen cuts to black.
9pm,Tuesday Night
- You see a cutscene of Ayano reading one of the books she stole from the occult club.
- Ayano will start reading, talking about how to contact a spirit.
- She notes that the hole of a Planchette can be used to see into a persons soul, see the real them.
- A planchette was given to you by Chojo earlier that day for helping him clean out the occult books from the library ( if you did his task )
- If you didn't do his task, you can buy a planchette from a new store called "Halloween all the time" that sells makeshift blood and stuff.
- As she talks, the light above her starts flickering, the scene cuts to black.
Wednesday Morning
- You start inside of the gym. Oka says you cannot do the activity today as she needs to go somewhere important tonight.
- Someone in the club says she's actually going on a date with the "boring dude". Your Senpai.
- Notification: "How fucking DARE she goes on a date with him. I'm going to murder her".
- Panning back to Oka's face you realise she has a menacing grin on it. She knows what she's doing.
- Chojo then says he didn't have food this morning so he is going to get some. Snapping you out of your thoughts.
- Supana says she wishes to go with you. You oblige.
- You get a cutscene where Supana and Ayano talk together in the occult club.
- You get to learn a bit about Oka and her club friends. Mostly you learn she's a weird anomaly that randomly showed up one week and became super close to her club members as well as senpai. Weird.
- Notification: "If they knew her for a year, how have they not figured out her secret yet?"
- Notification: "I'm pretty sure she isn't what she looks like."
Wednesday Lunch Time
- At lunch you See Oka in the occult club. Alone.
- You walk up behind her and look through the planchette. You see the ghost of Sumire staring back at you.
- Notification: "What the fuck?"
- Oka will notice you are there and ask if you need something, this time her face is distorted.
- Ayano will say she is just passing by, prompting Oka to say she looks tense. This time with the face of Sumire.
- Ayano will freak out and promptly leave. A little cutscene of her running through the school is played.
Wednesday After School
- Around 5pm you can listen in to the conversation between a drama club member and a cooking club member at the front of the school. They are talking about how the third floor bathroom stinks and blames it on bento.
- You then can walk a bit to see Oka and Senpai talking.
- They are making a documentary.
- Notification: If my kind killed you once we can kill you again.
- You talk to Supana behind the school about a spirit that has come back for revenge.
- She notes that according to a book she read spirits that come back for revenge come back with false forms.
- Supana gives you multiple ideas on how people exercise ghosts. A lot of these ideas are the ones seen inside of Phasmophobia OR Mortuary Assistant
- You note the topic inside of the occult book was confusing and thank her for clearing up what you were confused about. She says you're welcome and you both part ways.
Wednesday Evening Cutscene
- Burning the place where she died and her would be difficult considering Ayano doesn't know exactly where she died, so she'd have to burn the entire bathroom.
- Ayano notes not only the difficulty in louring Oka to that exact bathroom but also the fact that burning the room would be really difficult inside of a school.
- Ayano notes she has seen her go there and disappear, maybe she can wait for her there.
Thursday Morning
- A cutscene starts of the bell ringing and all of the students walking into school.
- It cuts to ayano standing outside of the gardening club staring at the leader.
- Once you take control, you have to do the minigame to steal the keys. You then have to distract the gardening leader and somehow manage to get gasoline into the school.
- Notification: Wait for class time.
- Once class time is there, you can sneak the gasoline can into the third story bathroom and hide it inside of a stall. Nobody goes in here anyways.
- You can then go to the announcement room and do a minigame similar to Among Us to disable cameras and remove the cables.
- You can do another minigame similar to Welcome to the game 2 which can get you to delete footage off of the PC of you carrying the jerry can into the school itself.
- You rush to class and get a minigame that's the same as the Councler minigame. You can do this minigame to get out of detention for being late.
Thursday lunchtime you can purchase Matches from Info-Chan. You can also go to the store any previous days to buy them yourself.
After school Thursday
- You walk up to the bathroom and place the contents of the jerry can around. This could also be a minigame simelar to Viscero Cleanup Detail where you can use a mop possibly to place the contents all around the floor?
- You can hide in a stall and wait. 20 minutes pass.
- Notification: I've been waiting 20 minutes. Where the hell is she?
- You walk out of the stall, triggering a cutscene.
- You walk up to oka. Seemingly dead on the bathroom floor. Right where she died all those many years ago.
Ayano: Sumire?
Ayano: S..She's dead?
???: Isn't dead. Just unconcious.
Ayano turns around, suprised someone else is here.
Ayano: Who are you?
Panning the camera around to see the person ayano is talking to, you see it is the ghost of Sumire herself.
A cutscene plays out, glitchy but just about seeable. Dialogue glitchy but just about hearable. It shows Sumire's death. The face of the Murderer is blurred, but due to the hair you can clearly see it's Ryoba.
Ayano: So you are Sumire. You used Oka's blood to hold your false form the entire time..
Sumire: At least you got something right.
Sumire: Oka was the easiest. Just a little paranormal activity and she came running! Your mother is the real one to blame here.
Ayano: Even if you despised my mother so much, what is your purpose? You used an Innocent girl as your puppet!
Sumire: Don't act like you CARE for Oka. You only wanted Taro after all.
Sumire: Besides. I was using her as a ploy for you. I will use your blood to take your form and get revenge on your mother for what she did to me all those years ago.
Sumire: After getting rid of your mother and taking her form, I will finally have Jokichi all to myself!
Ayano: So you only took Oka's form and flirted with Taro as a ploy to get me here so you can steal my blood and take my form to act upon your weird revenge plan?
Sumire: Ah! Ahahaha! I wish your mother was this intellegent!
Ayano: I wish you were too. Can you smell?
Ayano lights a match and throws it to the ground. Ghastly screams start being heard. Ayano stares at Sumire with a twisted sadistic grin as the camera slowly pans down to Oka's seemingly lifeless body. The body is then dragged off scene. The screen cuts to black. Soon after this the sprinkler system kicks in and starts spraying the bathroom. You leave the scene as the police are called.
Thursday night at your house.
You and Oka can be seen in the living room. She is lying down with bandages on her and an ice pack on her head. She can also be seen in a blanket you found inside of the basement. She sits up. Stares at you and smiles lovingly.
Oka: Thankyou for saving me. Ayano.
Oka: I never really did love that man. I'm so glad I'm free now.
Friday Morning
A cutscene starts, The headmaster makes an announcement that the bathroom was on fire after school yesterday. Nobody has been caught, considering the cameras were disabled. He states the bathroom is strictly off limits and anyone going in there shall and will be suspended indefinably until they find the culprit. He asks that people stop calling the bathroom "Haunted" and to keep a close eye out for any weird activity involving the bathroom. He thanks everyone and lets them get on with their day.
If you walk around school grounds before class, multiple people can be found with unique dialogue that you can listen in on which talk about how they feel about the burning haunted bathroom. The scene cuts to black as soon as you go to class and the next week starts after that. Oka is presumed eliminated, considering she never liked Senpai.
What do you guys think?