I’m exhausted. TR Major Depressive Disorder + Social Anxiety only response is to opiates
It’s coming to a point of having nothing left in me. I’m 26 years old and have suffered with DISGUSTING major depression and social anxiety most of my life, and it has refused to respond to ANYTHING other than opioids. 16+ antidepressants, TMS, Ketamine, Talk therapy, nothing has worked.
I was addicted to poppy tea in 2023 and had to on buprenorphine for three months to get off, then was left in a 16+ month PAWS state of severely vile anhedonic depression, where not even sex nor food would trigger a response in my stubborn brain.
I eventually got SICK AND TIRED of this incessant state of mind and trying every possible natural way to feel like my childhood like self again, and relapsed on to codeine just before Christmas, and the relief made me break down in tears. Just 60mg I felt the fog from 16+ months of utter hell lift, but of course, went too far, and binged on poppy seed tea for an entire week.
Due to useless postal services in my country Australia, I’ve run out of seeds, one of the many reasons I got off it in the first place, and I’m nearly four days in to complete and utter HELL. HELL ON EARTH.
Anhedonia, major depression, sinking feeling in my gut, headaches, crying fits, anxiety, brain fog, internal body tremors, diarrhea. The state of mind I’ve been forced to endure for years and years, after a brief period of relief, just comes back 10x worse, of course, as my brain is persistently set on being in a constant depressive state. I’m F*cking fed up of it beyond any words.
I’ve had enough, I’ve had. Enough. I have spent nights upon nights last year researching neuroscience to figure what is going on in my brain as any external change doesn’t touch this issue, I’ve tried cerebrolysin, thousands of dollars on supplements, looking at in depth studies and trying everything I possibly can, because psychiatrists here in Australia just throw ssri’s everywhere and don’t care.
I don’t know what else to do anymore.