I have chosen to not give in

For the past 6 years (and honestly even longer), I have battled with wanting to either give up my queerness or my Christian faith. It didn't make sense to have to give up GOD but at the same time, it felt dishonest to act like being queer wasn't a part of me.
Call it guilt or shame (I think both), but I did stop doing Christian practices for a while, except I had to go to church at my 'faith-based' school and at home (Dad's a pastor). It's 2022, and I am now deconstructing faulty foundational beliefs, learning the place of queerness in my faith journey, and seeing the Bible as more than a longstanding tool for violence.
I've chosen to not give in. I won't be choosing to be queer over being Christian or to be Christian over being queer. I am choosing to rather be a Queer Christian. I have a long way to go, but the journey doesn't seem impossible anymore. Hurray!