Online dating has gotten worse recently

There's probably a lot of posts like this, but I just wanted to vent.

For context, I'm a 25 y/o woman, living in a major city. The last time I used dating apps (Hinge + Tinder) was almost 2 years ago. I got so many matches and dates. Most of them didn't end up going anywhere, but I felt these guys were generally respectful and put in some effort. And eventually, I did meet someone.

I redownloaded the apps 2 months ago. I have gotten some matches and dates. It's definitely slower than before, but what gets me is the quality. Much more than before, I've had guys not message me or if they do, they'll ask for my number, even ask me out, but not follow through. The few guys who do follow through don't seem to put much effort, referring to dates as "hangouts" and "casual outings" and being careless about planning. My profile is the same as before and for the most part, I'm going for the same type of guys as last time. I say "for the most part," because I've given some guys who weren't really my type a chance and haven't found them to be any better. I just don't get what's changed and it's very frustrating.