Remember when oda introduced a metric that clearly display the difference in strength between the strawhats that’s still ignored to this day
Lets be real here the very point of the douriki system was to show the strawhats strength in comparison in relation to their opponents, yes there have been buffs more important than others but the overall power rank within the crew have always stayed the same ever since ennies lobby. Luffy is clear of his crewmates Zoro is slightly stronger than sanji, wranky is goated, nami and chopper are among the weakest of the crew.
Lets be real here the very point of the douriki system was to show the strawhats strength in comparison in relation to their opponents, yes there have been buffs more important than others but the overall power rank within the crew have always stayed the same ever since ennies lobby. Luffy is clear of his crewmates Zoro is slightly stronger than sanji, wranky is goated, nami and chopper are among the weakest of the crew.