What was your first experience with the internet and what did you think?

I remember when the internet first came around, it was advertised as this fad. People never took it seriously and "experts" thought the internet wouldn't catch on. Just a few short years later, it was AOL this, Ebay that, Amazon only selling books sold by this guy in a garage. It took off. and I remember logging in at like 12 years old, going through the dial-up sounds, and all of a sudden you could go anywhere....and two hours later, that's how I discovered porn!

Anyway, that aside, I thought it was a very cool thing and it made me look forward to the future. The 90s was such an idealist time that we saw these advances in technology as a wonder and soon we would be living in like this cyberpunk like era...and, who know, maybe that would have happened if it wasn't for 9/11. lol