First rosc

I got my first rosc yesterday, witnessed arrest of an 87 yof 20 mins of als and she returned to gcs15 and was very thankful for our help, sustained to ED and good prognosis

However I still feel crap about the whole job. I knew she would arrest if we moved her off the floor due hypovalemia , risk of random (and past experiences) and still my crew mates disregarded what I said and lifted her... and when we got rosc and debriefed I said well done to the team and multiple members said you didn't do anything we were doing CPR (bare in mind I was the only paramedic/clinical on scene).

Just made what should have been a very rewarding moment very negative.

Have been struggling with whether I really enjoy this job or not and yesterday was the cherry on the cake. I think a transfer to a new service is imminent or maybe a break from the career for a while

With that being said I am proud of saving this woman's life and leading the arrest on my own and getting rosc prior to any other clinician turning up. I don't come into the job expecting a lot of thanks and heroic praise but crappy crew mates make it hard