Went 10hr 45mins without a feed!
My son is 9 weeks old and has just slept for 10hr 45mins without bottle last night! I feel like a terrible mum! He usually has a bottle around 9/10pm then usually wake between midnight and 3am for his next feed and another at 6:30/7:30am. Last night was different had a bottle at 8:45pm, I changed him at midnight as I was going to bed he stirred but stayed asleep which again he can do as he’ll wake up at 3am for feed and change. Next minute you know it’s I’m waking up at 7:30am. I panicked and said to my husband did you give him his bottle in the night. He said no, so my husband ran down stairs made him a bottle as he only just started stirring. While checked was okay. Started given him bottle and he just fell back to sleep while feeding refusing the last 30ml of the bottle (he’s on 180ml). So we did perceive and made him drink the last 30ml. Is this normal? Or do I need to be concerned?!?