Mortified/overwhelmed going out in public.

Help! LO is 9 weeks, so still in the newborn stage. He’s overall an easy baby.

Now that my husband is back at work, I’ve made it a point to get out of the house every day for my own sanity. However, LO screams uncontrollably almost every time. Does not seem to matter the time of day, if he’s eaten/pooped/burped/slept recently etc. And because I live in a major city and don’t own a car, the stroller is our primary mode of transportation. He does better being worn, but it isn’t always feasible.

Today we took the subway for the first time and needless to say, it was somewhat of a disaster. He was screaming and couldn’t be soothed at all. A woman near us was complaining and saying that we were torturing him by keeping him in the stroller. Between the stress and postpartum emotions, I was mortified.

Does he just hate the stroller?? Any tips/tricks to help with this, or do we just suck it up and deal? I’m going to have to commute with him to daycare eventually, and the thought of him screaming like that every time makes me panic.