No food allowed is so weird to me

This is kind of about the post in the employers sub yesterday but it's also something I notice a lot in general. I think it's cheap AF to have someone be working in your home and to not offer them food. I think it's like the main main way of being hospitable and welcoming to guests. Someone could come into my house for an hour and I'd be offering snacks, drinks, at least water... it's so weird to me when employers are so against it, even for part-time employees idgaf. And it probably adds on $100, $150 extra per month? Cheap.

Also the weird performativeness of nannies sometimes refusing to even entertain the idea of eating NF's food or making it seem like it's a weird overindulgent thing to do are annoying too. I like to snack and you bet if my NF has snacks to offer I am eating some lol. There is no shame in eating!!!