Picky eaters
On tonight’s dinner menu was grilled cheese with a side of apples and peanut butter. They (B8, B7, G6) ate the apples and peanut butter (barely) but refused to eat their grilled cheese. Why?
“Too much cheese on it”, “I don’t like cheese”
They don’t like cheese but they eat pizza all the time. All these kids will eat are chicken nuggets and fries, McDonald’s, and pizza. They eat eggs and bacon for breakfast.
I was gonna make tortellini but decided to pick up some from the store to make a more child friendly dinner. I’m just shocked, I’ve never seen 3 youngish kids turn down a grilled cheese 😂 The oldest didn’t even want to take a bite 😭 Had to take minecraft away until he at least tried his dinner.
Anyone else have picky eaters like this?