Americans with extremely unique names, does the government work faster for you?

My (29F) first name is obscure ancient Greek that hasn't really been used as a first name in the US since 1920 (and even then, it wasn't popular at all). My last name comes from a teeny tiny, itty bitty town in Poland that no one's ever heard of. That alone makes me the only person on planet Earth with my name, dead or alive, but if you factor in my male Biblical middle, it's 200% certain.

I've noticed ever since I turned 18 that I don't have to wait for anything from government bureaucracy. I got my passport in a week, and I didn't pay for expedited. My TSA Precheck application was approved next day. I usually get my IRS refunds within a week, this year it only took 3 days. Any time I have to do any government paperwork, state or federal, it gets processed almost instantly.

My working theory is it's because my name doesn't have to be crosschecked against anybody else on Earth, let alone in the country. Whatever databases my name is in, it's the only one that'll come up. The downside is that for anything non-governmental, nobody can spell or pronounce my name and it causes problems.

Has anyone else had the same experience?