Liberals in Myrtle Beach?

We're thinking of moving to the area but want to confirm that there is at least a small community of like-minded people we could interact with. We're basically the opposite of what one may think of when they think of the stereotypical Southeastern United States: Atheist, LGBTQ+-supporting, pro-choice, Trump-criticizing, vegans. Is there anywhere we would fit in? What primary schools public or otherwise could we send our kids to and be reasonably assured that they will get a good education and not be confronted with book bans? Thank you in advance.

Edit: Thank you all for your responses. To clarify a misconception I've seen a few times, we do not intend to to socialize only with folks who share our views. We do not live in such a narrow world now, and wouldn't want to. We merely wanted to know that we could feel comfortable in our own skin should these issues arise in conversation, which they often do. Thank you all again!