Missing prayer for the wedding?

Im not proud or happy typing this but my soon to be wife and I were talking about wedding prep and it led to talking about nails and I mentioned to her that she could get her nails done but its not worth getting nails to purposely miss salah and then she got annoyed and then mentioned that she probably wont be able to read most her prayers because of the dress and how expensive the make up is costing and such and this has thrown me off:/ idk what to think... it's quite sad to me because im really trying to turn my life around and focus on deen, ive stopped listening to music, wearing shorts and covering my awrah, trying hard to say away from any fitnah... just not sure what to think (Typing this is making me realise that all I can do is make Dua)

EDIT: i said potential without realising what i meant, sorry about that