Advice on communication with a MS sufferer

Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask for advice in communicating with an individual in my network who is a longtime sufferer of MS and has had to retire early following a move from RMMS to Progressive.

For context, I work as a consultant and recently approached an individual in my network to have a call about opportunities as we both work in the same sector, not knowing their situation outside of work. After a few emails I got a response stating that despite working for many years with the disease, they have been forced to retire following this development.

Knowing the role this person does very well, and understanding it’s challenges, I want to respect the work that he has done these past few years and offer some words of consideration and comfort and I’m not sure what the best way to phrase that is.

I have a parent with a long-standing chronic Illness (not MS) and I know how sometimes the generic ‘get well’ responses can actually cause upset rather and feel condescending at times so I would like to avoid that.

Thank- you all and my apologies if this is not appropriate for the sub.