Odd gripe about people policing 'good'/survival AUs

So I've seen several AUs where the crew survives/the ship doesn't crash of where Anya's kid is born, and I've seen many of its creators receive backlash about it.

For one, it seems like an unfortunately realistic scenario; it's unlikely she would have been able to return home in time to receive an abortion or medical care. The game itself goes out of its way to point out this fact with the "eight months" quote to make the situation more dire.

Regardless, I feel like it actually adds to the story in an impactful way? If she has to raise the baby on her own and doesn't want it, it's a great basis for a character study on how she would react with having to deal with the ever-lingering impacts of her assault, as well as any internal conflict that would arise from it. If she raises the baby happily and treats them like family, it gives her a chance at healing and overcoming her trauma, or at least managing to live through it as best as she can.

I find either scenario a legitimately interesting basis to explore the aftermath of the game, and of course this isn't a post against AUs where she's able to get an abortion, I just think it's a fine basis for an AU and there are a lot of ways you can work with it.

Also fuck Ymmij.