10⭐️ for 5s, 6⭐️ for 4s !

10 for each 5⭐️s , 6 for each 4⭐️s

must send stars first with the last sticker being an exchange request

do not start until i agree to the trade !!

ign: janet

Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/SISsDA

friend code: MGO552SEJ34P

10 for each 5⭐️s , 6 for each 4⭐️s

must send stars first with the last sticker being an exchange request

do not start until i agree to the trade !!

ign: janet

Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/SISsDA

friend code: MGO552SEJ34P