How to find and face suppressed emotions?
Hi everyone
I hope you can help me or have tips. I am 23 years old and have been diagnosed with longcovid since the beginning of September. The most annoying symptom I experience is extreme fatigue that only seems to decrease very slowly.
I believe in the theory of supressed emotions and how it affects the (vagus) nerve system and have been doing various things to relax my nervous system, such as breathing exercises. In addition, I have been using the JournalSpeak method to write for three weeks now, but I notice that I am stuck. No emotion is released, and I have no idea what exactly I am suppressing. I also feel like I have not experienced anything intense that has stuck with me, but I do believe that there is something that I am not aware of.
My question is: how do I get to those moments that I may be suppressing? How do I ensure that I can find and express those emotions?
I am open to all tips and advice. Thanks in advance! 🙏