I (TRY) to rank all Matt Maeson's Songs
Before I start, I just want to say that Matt Maeson is pretty much my favorite artist right now. I think it will be more official when he releases more material but right now he doesn't have much so it's hard to really say. That being said, I will only be doing released songs (Melons and such for example will not be on the list) Just know that this list does change overtime but I wanted to put something exciting on this sub cause it's not really active. Also I pretty much LOVE every song.. so don't think since I song is low that I don't like it.. Matt is one of those few artists that I actually admire everything he's put out.
Straight Razor (Off of Matt's First EP, this song is enjoyable however I don't put it up there with other songs that Matt has put out. It's the most forgettable track in his discography in my opinion.)
The Hearse (While I do admire the fast tempo, I don't consider this one of Matt's best songs. I find it a bit rushed during and the verses however the chorus is rich with some great instrumentals.)
Put It On Me (Matt's second EP starts off with this personal rock track. It slams hard but it's not enough to win me over compared to some of his other music.)
Grave Digger (This is a great intro to his LP but it's not anything special when you're comparing it to his other songs. Still a great track though. Don't get it twisted.)
Cringe (Oh my god, I feel the hate coming for me right now. I do love Cringe.. I really do but there is nothing about this track that makes me want to put it in my top 5.. top 10.. It's enjoyable and the bridge is stunning but I honestly think it's a bit overrated. Nothing stands out to me like how some stuff stands out to me in other tracks.)
Feel Good (If you remember I actually went into this reddit and tried to say how underrated this song and I still think it is.. such a haunting track that really makes you think. I do feel like the song is a bit rushed during certain parts though)
Mr. Rattlebone (Great ending to his second EP. Love the dark atmosphere and the vibe is fantastic.)
Unconditional (I feel like people might be upset with this ranking. The song is very personal to Matt and I love how open he is with this track. It's pure and that's what I admire about it. Wish I could put it higher!)
Me and My Friends are Lonely (Oh no... oh yes. This song has such a great groove. It's very addictive.)
Go Easy (I feel like this track is underrated. I wish it wasn't released as a single either.. but oh well. Love the piano that's sprinkled throughout the track. Also that last half... good god damn.. is that addictive to listen to or what.)
Beggars Song (This song not being in the top 10 is a crime.. I know.. Love how open this track is.. I do believe this is the heart of his LP)
Dancing After Death (The production on this track is incredible.. it really feels like a dance ballad which is the ironic part. I hope that's what they were going for at least.. haha)
Cliffy (BIG CLIFF! THE SLEEPER. This track is so beautiful and lyrically it's Matt at his best. The final build for this song is incredible.)
Legacy (ITS NOT TO LATE TO PICK UP THE PIECES. This song is short and simple. The song tells a short story and it works so well for the album. Love the addition of the horns and those little WHOP WHOPS)
Tribulation (This is the song you put on while thinking about your crush.. It has so much life and it's a full package. The chorus is so strong and I'm happy with this song being in the top ten.. I think everyone would have this in the top 10 though..)
Twenty Twelve (This is the first song I feel in love with. Lyrically this thing is beautiful)
I Just Don't Care That Much (Love the drums... love the lyrics... and most importantly... I think that the bridge is the BEST PART of the new album.. I know that's a hot take but man is that part magnetizing.)
Bank on the Funeral (Wow... just wow. This song takes my breath away.. It's smooth and slick at first... then it just grows into something more.. Love the second section.. so unexpectedly turns into something more memorable and it's the great ending to a great album)
Tread on Me (If you're looking down on me I could really give a good god damn... This song is so personal.. like most of Matt's music.. There's something different about this song though... It has a lot of life in it and it just slaps. It's a song I can never get sick of and it's one I hold close to me.)
Hallucinogenics (This song... I always forget how much I love this song but it always comes back to me in some way. It tells such a sad tale and this is number 1 for me some days... Carry on my wayward son.. carry on)
The Mask (Oh man.. i don't think people were expecting this.. I love everything about this song.. the piano is beautiful... the harmonies are crazy... the atmosphere just sucks you in and it's impossible for me to ever skip this song.. It really is a full package of emotion..)
Hope you all liked my list.. give me feedback!