I think AJ is a tamer kind of asshole.

I know a lot of people think AJ from season 8 was one of the worst people who we’ve seen on the show, but personally, I feel like he is an example of a garden variety asshole— I wouldn’t call him toxic, or manipulative, or even an overall awful person.

Obviously, the part where he drunkenly slapped Luke’s ass or whatever was wayyyy over the line, and tbh he does seem to say a good deal of homophobic stuff in an attempt to attack Luke, but I think the key is, in regards to stuff with his wife, he doesn’t lash out AT her.

He gets mad. He gets loud. He gets snappish. But he doesn’t go around calling her a bitch, or telling her its all her fault, or starting fights over it. He doesn’t try to turn his emotions into facts.

Steph handles it well, sits back as he lets off steam, and when he’s done he’s back to his normal self. I think as long as she keeps herself from growing afraid of these moments, and as long as he doesn’t try to use them to scare her in any way, they can continue to do well.